As-salamu alaikum In surah al-baqarah allah says,"And ?remember? when We appointed forty nights for Moses, then you worshipped the calf in his absence, acting wrongfully.In surah al-araf Allah says,"We appointed for Moses thirty nights then added another ten—completing his Lord’s term of forty nights"I didn't get how many nights did he appointed.. More
Assalamu Alaikum.What is the status of the belongings of our beloved prophet Muhammad(PBUH). I mean what is the respect we should have for example for the Mushaf he owned or even everyday things like his armor ,clothes , sword and Turban.. More
Salaam. The person who connects me with people whom i sell and buy cars from happens to be a Fasiq, because he brings in different ladies into his room. Though i haven't seen him commit zina, but i am suspecting that he is commiting zina with those ladies. I once heard him say he hit someone with a car while he was travelling one day but didn't wait.. More
How to maintain ties of kinship with kaffir family, what can you do if they constantly say kufr, and every time they say their greetings they say words of kufr in them, is it sinful if listen to them say these words and stay silent?Anytime that they call, message, speak they say these words so how can possibly keep ties?And what if grandmother is crying.. More
Will someone who enters Hell retain their good deeds after entering Hell for purification?Which level of Paradise might one reach after leaving Hell, from the first level to Al-Firdaws?Jazzakum Allah Khayran... More
How can I stay safe from any kind of harm from the jinn and shaitan. If my house is possessed by jin, how can I get permanent protection. Do I have to read surah baqarah daily?.. More
Is it obligatory to pick up a paper that says names like Muhammad or Ibrahim or any prophet name if it is on the floor in a dirty place.Is it shirk to pick it up and respect it like to Quran.Also is it obligatory to pick up a paper that says one of allahs names in English like Ar rahman it is not in Arabic but is is like the pronunciation like mentioned.. More
Assalamu alaykum, I know that making friends with non-Muslims is forbidden, but where I live, even in my family, there is no Muslim other than me, and in that case I should not have friends at all, which is impossible! Is the ruling different in my situation? If it isn't different, what should I do?
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assalamu alaikum, I was thinking about giving my non islamic friend a Quran, and help him get into islam. But, he is a homosexual, is this reason for me to be exiled from Islam or will I be ok?thanks
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How do I acquire blessings in time? I know this is a comprehensive answer. But I'm asking this because I've browsed reputed fatwa sites and across YouTube but didn't find the answer.
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Is it possible for someone to give up their chance to go to Heaven? For example, if someone were to swear by Allah they are going to Hell (and they do so by intending to give up their right to go to Heaven), then are they destined for Hell? What if such a person repents of this and regrets this, then do they still have a chance to go to Heaven or are.. More
Assalam Alaikum, I am boy ( 21 age) from India. I have never committed zina, Drinking Alcohol, murder etc.I am unmarried and I am also keeping fast 10 days in every month and regularly pray 5 times Salah with Tahajjud ( before Fajr prayer) Salah . I am keeping fast for fear of masturbation ( major sin). If a pious and religious person will commit suicides,.. More
I'm going through terrible situation of my faith , I don't know how to protect it , doubts appear in my heart about Allah swt , that literally depresses me , my heart aches , I just can't bear these doubts ,
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Asalamu ‘Alaykum. I’ve always been told that depicting the prophets (peace be upon them) or the Sahaba (may ALLAH n’es pleased with them) is haram, but I was unable to find any ayah or Hadith to support this. Is there anything in the Quran or sunnah that can be used as evidence to suggest depicting them is haram? Jazakum allahu khayran.
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