Participating in Internet business
Fatwa No: 84635


Is it Halal to work or to participate in this company, What about the money gained from it; to take part you have to buy a card of 100 dollar?


Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the World; and may His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions.

After studying thoroughly the system of this company we conclude that working to gain benefits through advertising or marketing the products of this company is not permissible. In fact, the majority of the customers of this company do not need the products, rather their aim is only to gain money by multiplying the customers of this company. Sometimes they get customers and make money, more or equal to what they had spent; sometimes they will not get anything. This is pure gambling since this transaction results in either loss or profit of a party just like gambling. The products in such transactions are used only as means; they do not have any effect because the programs could be purchased for less than the price offered by the company. Moreover, if the company gives up giving the profits to its customers then its purchasers become rare.
In addition, many customers participate in such project by many names and purchase the same products many times; all the above facts make clear that the main aim is only to get money and the goods are nothing but means. Therefore, the customers renew their subscription every year though they do not have any need for those programs. "Truly! To Allâh we belong and truly, to Him we shall return".
If a person actually needs those products, then we believe that he can purchase them without taking any part in marketing or advertising them, causing many of the customers to become involved in gambling for the above-mentioned reasons. Therefore, inviting them to this practice is cooperating with them in sin and transgression. Allah Says (interpretation of meaning): {… do not help one another in sin and transgression. …} [5: 2].
If the transaction involves selling Internet sites and discount cards as introduced in the system of the company then there are two more prohibitions to add to the above prohibitions.
A) Selling discount cards is forbidden since it is gambling and taking people's money without a legal reason.
B) The Internet sites may be used for forbidden activities, therefore guiding people to such sites or helping in such acts is forbidden.
Allah knows best.

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