Proposal from a Man Who Lacks Religion
Fatwa No: 84922


A man who is a very good person but lacks religion (good Deen) but has good character proposes to a sister and she rejects him because of his lack of good Deen and he keeps asking. What should she do if her family is pushing her to marry him but she really doesn't want to marry a man who lacks Deen? Also what if a man proposes to a sister who has been said to have very good Deen and character but then he calls her on her mobile phone and says he wants to get to know her. Isn't that wrong and doesn't it show that there is something wrong with his religion? Are two people who are interested in marrying each other allowed to talk on the phone before they are married so that they may get to know each other?


All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.

Basically, religion and morals constitute the faithful standard for accepting or refusing a fiancé.

It is proved that the Prophet said: “When someone with whose religion and character you are satisfied asks for your daughter in marriage, accede to his request. If you do not do so, there will be corruption and great evil on the earth.” [At-Tirmithi]

This indicates that the good husband is the motive conducive for establishing the upright family for a well-educated wife and children.

Therefore, it is forbidden for guardians to force girls who are under their guardianship to marry those men who are unqualified from a religious point of view such as an innovator, one who neglects obligations, one who commits major sins like Zina (fornication or adultery) and drinks wine. But, there is no harm – Allah willing – to accept one who commits some minor sins as a husband, since committing minor sins which most people commit, does not constitute a challenge to one's religion.

As for talking on the phone between a man and a woman for the sake of gaining better knowledge about each other before getting married, we state that it is improper for a man to talk with a non-Mahram woman on the phone unless he wants to ask for her hand, since such an action leads to temptation. Then, we think that it is baseless to use such an action as an expedient to have better knowledge of the girl.

Furthermore, talking with a girl on the phone brings about danger and one can get good information about the girl by asking those who know her character and qualities.

Allah knows best.

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