Working where naked women expose themselves to men
Fatwa No: 85104


I am 25-year-old man, Muslim. I live in the United States and I don't have a family here I don't have any kind of financial support. I work in a topless bar where women go there and take off their clothes for money so men can enjoy them. I don't work inside I only work at the door where I park customers' cars for some kind of tip. I don't go inside unless I have to. And some times I see some of these naked women. What should I do is that Haram? This job is the only work I have and no one else can help me to get another job.


All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.


No doubt that such a work is forbidden since it is a form of co-operation in transgression and sin.

Allah Says (what means): {…, but do not help one another in sin and transgression…} [Quran 5: 2]

In the same vein, the Prophet cursed ten people due to (dealing with) wine. (These ten are): one who squeezes it, one to whom it is squeezed, its drinker, its bearer, one to whom it is carried, its server, its seller, one who consumes its price, its buyer and one to whom it is bought" [At-Tirmizi]

The Prophet also cursed Riba (usury and interest) as he said: “Allah has cursed the one who consumes Riba, the one who gives it to others, the one who records it and the one who witnesses it (its transaction).” He said: “All of them are equal in sin.” [Muslim]

In addition to this, working in such a bar constitutes a form of helping others to do misdeeds. Then, you may commit misdeeds such as looking at those women. This, in turn, may lead you to commit Zina (adultery and fornication).

As a result, it is forbidden to work in such a place, and you have to search for a lawful job.

Allah Says (what means): {… And whosoever fears Allah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a way for him to get out (from every difficulty). And He will provide him from (sources) he never could imagine. …} [Quran 65: 2-3]

Allah Knows best.

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