Disposing of inheritance from his father
Fatwa No: 87322


On 1 January my father died, leaving a house which I have sell it for 12,50,000 Indian rupees. We are a family of 2 brothers, 4 sisters and my mother. How do I distribute this money among us? My sisters are all married and live in different houses with their husbands. Please reply soon.


Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds; and may His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions.


If there are no inheritors other than those mentioned in your question then the inheritance is divided as follows:

Your mother (wife of the deceased) gets one eighth of the whole inheritance due to the existence of the male children of the deceased.  Allah Says (interpretation of meaning): {....but if you leave a child, they (wives) get an eighth of that which you leave.....}[4:12].

The remaining inheritance is distributed among the children of the diseased, i.e. you, your brother and all your sisters.  The share of a daughter is half the share of the son.

Allah Says (interpretation of meaning): {Allâh commands you as regards your children's (inheritance); to the male, a portion equal to that of two females;…..}[4:11].

Know, that the fact that all your sisters are married and living with their husbands does not change the ruling.

Allah knows best.

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