His Christian girlfriend is pregnant by him
Fatwa No: 89448


I have a Christian girlfriend and I got her pregnant. My problem is that she is not willing to convert to Islam. My parents still doesn’t know about this but they once told me that they will not accept her in the family even if she converts. What will I do if she refuses to convert? And if she converts, am I allowed to marry her even without the consent of my parents? Who will serve as the Wali for her?


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. We ask Allaah to exalt his mention as well as that of his family and all his companions.


Dear brother, one should fear Allaah since he does not know when death will overtake him, as regret at that time will be of no avail.

Marrying a Muslim girl without the parent's consent is not advisable, so you are quite daring to marry an unchaste Christian woman. The basic condition for the validity of marriage to a Christian woman is that she is chaste.  As long as she is pregnant from fornication you cannot marry her unless she becomes a true Muslim and repents sincerely.  See the details in our Fataawa: 81758 and 82067.

A marriage without the consent of the guardian of the girl is not valid as we mentioned in our Fatwa: 83373.

Now, we advise you to end your relations with the girl since it leads to much evil and strengthens Satan against you. Islam does not allow you to have any personal relation with marriageable girl. For details, please read Fatwa: 84281.

To know how to repent refer to Fatwa: 81467.

Allaah knows best.

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