Her child's disturbing experience is a cause of concern for her
Fatwa No: 92135


assalamu alikum please could you give me some advise. whilst visiting a friend my 11yr old daughter took my younger daughter to the bathroom. when i went up to the bathroom after they had come downstairs i found that somebody had made a lot of mess such as tipping shampoo out creams were all thrown everyone it was a real mess.. this is out of character for any of my children but what i found disturbing was that writen in red lipstick on the floor was beware of God and also somebody had drawn a loveheart on the window with the lipstick this made me think of my 11yr old daughter she has suffered with bad dreams for 6mths and has very bad tantrums but ive not expericened anything else.i read all the duas for her and ayat al-kursi. and i took her to have ruqiya done..nothing was apparent but the person who performed the ruqiya said maybe the evil eye. please could you explain the reason for why this writing was on the floor was it jinn.or was it my daughter she has said she knows nothing about this.also the person in whose house i was in says she always has quran playing in the house and has never felt that the house had jinn in it. what can i do if it was something to do with my daughter. also the writing did look like my daughters.jazakAllahu khairan for taking time to read this. May Allah reward you for all your efforts


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. We ask Allaah to exalt his mention as well as that of his family and all his companions.


We are not able to decide the reason for what happened in the bathroom such as throwing some materials or writing fear Allaah on the floor. It is possible that the girl might have written them during the attack of unconsciousness, if she undergoes sometimes such attacks, or it might be by a jinni or some other reasons.

Whatsoever the matter, you and your friend (inhabitant of the house) should not concern yourselves with this, but all of you should trust in Allaah and should train yourselves to increase your reliance on Allaah. Moreover, you have to keep reciting Quran; especially the chapter of Baqarah, and supplicating Allaah in that house since they are very helpful means to get protection from Satan and its plots. The Prophet said: "Do not make your homes as graves, indeed Satan runs away from the house where chapter Al-Baqarah is being read. Indeed, Satan cannot enter the house where chapter Al-Baqarah is being read." [Muslim]

It is also advisable to continue reciting Quran on the girl and all children and should seek protection for them by reciting Quran, supplications, and other prayers.

Allaah Knows best.

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