Works abroad and is worried about his wife and children
Fatwa No: 96503


Assalamu alaikum (war) Dear Brother in Islam, I am 35 yrs Old Indian muslim working now in Dubai for the past 3 years. I got married during 1999 ( 8 years before) and I have 3 kids now. Before marriage I have been working in Saudi for 1.5 years and after marriage and before coming to Dubai I have been working in Saudi for 1.5 years ( Total 3 years in Saudi and 3 years in Dubai). Before coming do Dubai I tried doing almost 4 to 5 Businesses and I lost all my savings, and finally I was compelled to come to Dubai for job. Based on the above circumstances, I would like your valuable suggestion and advice in the light of ISLAMIC SHARIAH AND SUNNAH, about my future course of action. I feel guilty conscious to leave my wife and kids back home alone. And due to this I am feeling doubtful about my wife character and also I am scared whether I will do zina to become zani. I pray 5 times to resist the temptation and to avoid being doubtful towards her. Also I fear about livelihood if I leave my present job. Please guide me, what should I do in this circumstances. What is ALLAH’S order in this situation. Your kind and brotherly advice in light of Islamic Shriah and sunnah will be very helpful to me to make a decision with firm faith on ALLAH. Vassalam. Yours brother in Islam Mohd. shariff


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.


There is no doubt that it is best for one's wife and children to stay where he lives, as in this case he will keep himself and his wife chaste, he will take care of his children and achieve other benefits. Therefore, if you can bring your wife and children to live with you or if you can go back to your country and be content to live meeting your necessities only, then do so. You never know, Allaah may facilitate for you the means of sustenance which you never expected. However, if none of these two options are available, and your wife permitted you to be absent from her for more than six months, or that you are in need to be absent from her for this period, then it is permissible to do so, but you should endeavour to return to them at short intervals of time according to your ability. You should keep your wife and children in a place where you feel secure about them but you should always contact them and ask about them. You should refrain from committing sins and must stay away from anything that could lead you to commit Zina (fornication or adultery). If this cannot be achieved except by bringing your wife to live with you or by marrying a second wife in the country where you work, then you are obliged to do so in order to avoid committing what Allaah has forbidden.

With regard to doubting the morals of your wife; if you have no evidence about this, then this is not permissible as in principle a Muslim is innocent until he is proven guilty.

For more benefit, please refer to Fataawa 94245, 90778 and 85711.

Allaah Knows best.

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