Anything that a dog licks becomes impure
Fatwa No: 96768


Alsamu Alikum Regarding Fatwa # 95439( Purifying Cloth Which is licked by Dog) the mufty Said " This apply to Receptacles OR ANYTHING else as the impurity is". I learned that the Hadeeth is very specific as to wash the bowl Human eats from which a dog has also ate 7 times with the 1st. wash to be with soil. washing the bowl seven times is a dalil sharee and it is not befitted to add anything or attach anything as clear and specific as this hadeeth states unless you have a similar dalil sharee from the same source (The Hadeeth) to stipulate the mufty's claim, I thought this is the rule of fatwas. Furthermore, there are ahadeeth about cloths what is clean and what is najas(impure) and how we should purify the garments through traces of a series of ahadeeth. No Mention whatsoever any hadeeth about washing garments 7 times, so if a dog's saliva touches my hand I in turn should wash my hand 7 times with the 1st. wash with soil? the dalil must come from the source, however stating "OR ANYTHING ELSE" means anything the Dog's saliva touches must be washed 7 times. So please if there is a Dalil to prove the mufty's claim from Ahadeeth, Please state it. Thank You Wassalam Ahmed Amin


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.


What we have mentioned in the Fatwa to which you referred is the correct view. This narration is general and it applies to everything which the dog licked, whether it is a container, a cloth, a hand or else. The saliva of the dog is impure according to the preponderant opinion of the scholars .

What should be taken into account is the existence of the impurity and not what has been touched by the impurity. However, the container is mentioned as this is the most predominant case (from which the dog licks). However, some scholars are of the view that this ruling applies to a container. As a matter of fact, some scholars even restricted this to the container of water, and they said that the order to wash the container from which a dog licked is a form of worship and it is not related to the impurity of the saliva of the dog. 

Allaah Knows best.

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