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It is no doubt that weed and alcohol are haram, but drinking Alcohol means one’s prayers won’t be accepted for forty days. Does the ruling apply to weed as well? I read your other fatwa regarding it, and it says it does, but in the Hadith it is stated that whoever DRINKS khamr, their prayer won’t be accepted for forty days. This sounds like it.. More
Is continuous virginal discharge due to infection Impure ?
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Assalamu alaikum,I saw your fatwa about keeping lizards and you said that "the known lizard, which resembles the varan in its shape but is of smaller size, like a gecko, and it has a smooth skin and a swift movement, then keeping this kind of animal is permissible" but I was wondering about the bearded dragon lizard specifically, is that halal to keep?Thank.. More
Shaykh, my question is how should I clean my glasses, which are very thin, from an impurity? Should I keep them under water or just wipe them off with a damp cloth?
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I have an issue of wadiyy emission frequently may be daily 2 times or daily once or thrice in a week etc and that time i just wipe the affected area of underwear with wet fingers for 3 or 5 times and wash the penis head .if it is ok ? After that can i perform namaz with wearing that underwear ? Or should i wash underwear?
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If madhiy touched my leg , can I wipe it or do i have to wash it?
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AssalamA'laykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh! I actually I had misunderstood a particular ruling, which is that prayer is valid if a small amount of impurity is one clothes. I thought it applied to all kinds of impurities, including madhiy and mud, and not just blood and pus. So being unaware, I once prayed with a bit of mud on my trousers. And also,.. More
I wash my body completely in fard ghusl.But some traces of semen remained on my leg.Is my ghusl valid?
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Assalamu'alaykum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh. Shaikh. I want to ask. What is ruling on black thing that look like a house lizard droppings/dung (فضلات الوزغ) if one take the opinion that house lizard have flowing blood (له نفس سائل) so his droppings is najis in that opinion?
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Can you please explain the different discharges of women (i.e. maniy, wadiy, mathi
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Is the water that I am using to clean myself najas if it falls onto the toilet seat?
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Assalamu Allaikum plz reply we got a najazah on the carpet and i dont remember on which spot was it on it however we washed the carpet but im confused if we should wash it only one time is this sufficient or should we wash it thrice plz reply
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Assalamu alaikum,I am not feeling comfortable while asking this question but i want to ask because i want to make sure.I am a 21 years old male. I was rubbing my penis but then i felt there is some movement like fluid or something and when i saw there was a slight drop of transparent liquid that came out.Does it validate ghusl(junub) or do u have to.. More
I learned that most washing detergents contain ingredients of animal sources, since i live in Germany it can be assumed that they are impure, now i wonder if i can pray in my clothes since after putting them in the washing machine they should be clean. But what about possible residue of the detergent? I would appreciate a direct answer since this matter.. More
AssalamualaikumI recently hit puberty and this morning I went to pray Fajr in the masjid, and after I came home and went to the toilet I saw these clear drops in my underwear.I am suspicious that it is Al mathi, but not sure. Is my prayer nullified or not?
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