There are 17997 articles

  • Message Urging Iraqis to Rise Up "Signed by Saddam" Printed by Arabic Daily

    An Arabic newspaper splashed frontpage what it said was a handwritten letter signed by Saddam Hussein urging the Iraqi people to rise up against US troops who invaded and ousted his regime.The message to the Iraqi people was dated April 28, the 66th birthday of the former strongman whose whereabouts are unknown, said Abdul Bari Atwan, editor of the.. More

  • Four Dead, Many Wounded in Tel Aviv Resistance Bomb Attack

    A Palestinian resistance bomber killed four people and wounded dozens more in an attack on a crowded cafe near the US embassy in Tel Aviv, just hours after Mahmud Abbas was endorsed as the first-ever Palestinian prime minister. "The attack killed three people, not including the attacker," Israeli police chief Shlomo Aharonochki told journalists, adding.. More

  • Qataris Approve First Real Constitution

    Qatari voters approved their first real constitution Tuesday - a leap toward democratic rule in a country where the emir has held absolute power since independence from Britain in 1971. The constitution was approved in a referendum by 96.6 percent of the voters - 68,987 to 2,145, with 274 invalid votes, Qatar's Interior Minister, Prince Hamad bin Nasser.. More

  • Libya to Pay $2.7 Billion for Lockerbie: FM

    Libya will pay 10 million dollars to each of the 270 victims of the 1988 Lockerbie airliner bombing after accepting civil responsibility for the blast, Foreign Minister Abdel Rahman Shalgham told AFP. "My country has accepted civil responsibility for the actions of its officials in the Lockerbie affair, in conformity with international civil law and.. More

  • Pakistan Makes Peace Overture to India

    ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - Pakistan made a major peace overture to nuclear rival India on Monday, proposing visits between their leaders in an effort to ease decades-long tensions over the disputed Kashmir region. Pakistan Prime Minister Zafarullah Khan Jamali called Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and asked "to resolve outstanding issues through.. More

  • Gunbattle in Indian Kashmir Kills 17

    SRINAGAR, India (Reuters) - Six Indian soldiers and eleven Kashmiri nationalist fighters were killed on Tuesday in a gun battle in Indian-ruled Kashmir as violence intensified after the prime ministers of Pakistan and India discussed ways to improve relations. A police officer said the gun battle was still going on in the remote Doda district in the.. More

  • U.S. Air Operations Center Moves to Qatar

    The United States has moved an air operation center from Prince Sultan air base in Saudi Arabia to one in Qatar, officials said Tuesday. Vice Adm. Dave Nichols, a top official at the center, said operations were shifted Monday to Qatar's al-Udeid air base. Nichols and other officials said nearly all of the 4,500 Air Force personnel here will be gone.. More

  • US Troops Shoot Dead 13 Iraqis, Including Children

    US troops shot dead 13 Iraqis, at least six of them children, during a protest against the presence of the coalition forces, overshadowing the surrender of a key weapons advisor to the toppled president. Witnesses in the town of Fallujah, west of Baghdad, told AFP that US troops had opened fire late Monday on the demonstrators, killing 13 and wounding.. More

  • Violence Mars Day of Palestinian Political Reform

    President Yasser Arafat asked the Palestinian parliament on Tuesday to endorse Prime Minister-designate Mahmoud Abbas and his new cabinet. The proposed government, the product of intense international and internal pressure on Arafat to yield powers and institute democratic reforms, includes allies of the Palestinian leader as well as critics. "I call.. More

  • Qatar to Vote Tuesday on Proposed Constitution

    Qatar votes in a referendum Tuesday on a proposed constitution that would make the Gulf Arab state more democratic. The draft constitution, in the making since 1998 by legal experts and government officials, would create a parliament in which a majority of seats would be popularly elected. It would also guarantee basic rights of expression, assembly,.. More

  • Palestinian Parliament Convenes for Vote

    The Palestinian legislature convenes Tuesday for a vote of confidence in the Cabinet of prime minister-designate Mahmoud Abbas, a key to resuming Mideast peace efforts. U.S. President George W. Bush has said the so-called "road map" peace plan, which envisions an immediate end to 31 months of violence and eventual Palestinian statehood, will be formally.. More

  • Iraqis Demand Quick Interim Government

    Iraqi leaders have agreed to try to form an interim government within a month, as thousands of Shiites rallied to demand more influence over the country's future. The Baghdad meeting of around 250 delegates with Jay Garner, the retired US general running Iraq.The meeting coincided with a trip to the Gulf by US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, who.. More

  • Yemen's Ruling GPC Party Leading Poll Results

    The ruling General People's Congress (GPC) was leading the early results in Yemen's parliamentary elections, the government electoral commission revealed. "First indications are that the GPC is leading the results," commission spokesman Abdu Janadi said Monday, giving no further details. President Ali Abdullah Saleh's GPC was followed by the Islamist.. More

  • Iraqi Inspections Liaison Surrenders

    BAIJI, Iraq - The Iraqi chief liaison to U.N. weapons inspectors surrendered to U.S. forces Sunday, as American troops performed further tests on a metal drum that initial readings suggested contains nerve agents and mustard gas. Lt. Gen. Hossam Mohammed Amin - No. 49 on the U.S. list of the 55 most-wanted figures from the regime of Saddam Hussein .. More

  • Britain Sees Iraqi Referendum on New Constitution

    Iraqis should vote in a referendum on a new constitution before electing their own government to take over from a postwar transitional authority, a British government minister said on Monday. Foreign Office Minister Mike O'Brien, attending talks in Baghdad with prominent Iraqis, said the transitional authority, which U.S. civil administrator Jay Garner.. More