There are 17997 articles

  • Rumsfeld Fires Barbs at Critics of Iraq Invasion

    Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld congratulated top American military commanders of the Iraq war on Monday and fired barbs at critics of the invasion that overthrew Saddam Hussein . "There were a lot of hand-wringers around, weren't there?" he said with a grin to cheers from military headquarters troops. On a tour to thank Gulf leaders for support.. More

  • Israeli Occupation Troops Arrest Resistance Leaders in Nablus Raid

    Israeli occupation troops stormed into the West Bank city of Nablus and arrested the local leaders of two armed resistance groups which claimed a resistance bombing in Israel last week, Palestinian and Israeli security sources confirmed. Amid intense exchanges of fire Monday in the northern city, occupation troops arrested Amir Zokan, 27, the local.. More

  • Garner to Meet Prominent Iraqis to Map out Future

    Retired U.S. general Jay Garner, in charge of administering postwar Iraq, meets the country's leading political, religious and ethnic figures in Baghdad on Monday for talks to map out Iraq's political future. Garner was expected to address 300 to 400 prominent Iraqis -- a bigger gathering than an initial meeting near the southern city of Nassiriya on.. More

  • Abbas Says to Shun Talks Abroad if Arafat Isolated

    Palestinian prime minister-designate Mahmoud Abbas said on Sunday he would not visit foreign capitals to discuss peace moves until Israel allowed President Yasser Arafat to travel freely again. Analysts say Abbas fears that accepting a White House invitation would make him look like a U.S. lackey in Palestinian eyes unless Israel stops trying to isolate.. More

  • Violence Mars Yemen Parliament Elections

    Gunfights marred parliamentary elections in Yemen on Sunday, wounding at least 15 people and prompting officials to close three polling stations. But the vote was extended by two hours in other areas after elections officials said turnout was strong. Some 175 international observers and thousands of Yemeni monitors oversaw the vote. Abdu al-Janadi,.. More

  • U.S. Will Remain in Iraq, Afghanistan

    U.S. troops will stay in Iraq and Afghanistan until stable, democratic governments have taken control, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said Saturday. Rumsfeld said he was traveling to the Persian Gulf and South Asia to thank forces "deeply involved in the successes we've achieved in Iraq and Afghanistan." He also plans to talk to allies in.. More

  • Israel Gears for US-led Peace Push and International Roadmap

    With hopes for a breakthrough in the 31-month conflict growing, Israel geared for an international peace plan that Washington has pledged to release after the new Palestinian reformist cabinet is sworn in this week. With a Middle East visit by US Secretary of State Colin Powell looming, pressure was mounting on both sides to smash the deadlock that.. More

  • Polls Open in Yemen Elections

    Yemenis went to the polls for the third parliamentary elections since reunification in 1990 amid fears of violence in the impoverished republic regarded by Washington as a haven of Islamic militancy. Polling stations opened at 8:00 am (0500 GMT) and were due to close at 8:00 pm (1700 GMT) Sunday. On the eve of the vote, President Ali Abdullah Saleh.. More

  • Mideast Could Get 'Road Map' in Days -US Official

    An international "road map" for Middle East peace will be unveiled as early as next week once Palestinian legislators endorse new reform-minded Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas, a U.S. official said on Saturday. The Palestinian Legislative Council is widely expected to approve Abbas's appointment at a special session in the West Bank city of Ramallah on.. More

  • US Congressman in Damascus Urges Syria to Cut Support to Hizbullah

    US Representative Tom Lantos, the senior Democrat on the House of Representatives International Relations Committee, urged Syria to cut support to Lebanon's Hizbullah. He said the collapse of Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq was a "historic opportunity" to improve Syrian-US ties, but conditioned this on Damascus ending support for what he calls "terrorism.".. More

  • Clash in Sudan's Darfur Kills 32 Troops, 20 Rebels

    Thirty-two soldiers and 20 rebels were killed in a foiled rebel attempt to capture an airport in a western Sudanese regional capital, the government-owned al-Anbaa newspaper reported on Saturday. Friday's fighting between the military and the recently emerged rebel movement in the Darfur region destroyed several planes and inflicted heavy damage at.. More

  • Deadly Arms Blasts Rock Baghdad

    At least six people have died in a series of explosions at an arms dump near the Iraqi capital, Baghdad. A US officer said "hostile forces" fired flares into a munitions depot, setting off many fires. However, many Iraqis are blaming American troops for storing weapons in a residential area.The explosion happened in the Zafaranyah neighbourhood of southern.. More

  • 14 Killed in Kashmiri Resistance Attacks

    SRINAGAR, India (AFP) - Fresh violence by suspected Kashmiri nationalist fighters, including a human bomb attack on a state-owned radio station in Indian Kashmir has left 14 people dead and ten security force personnel injured. The fresh deaths mark the second day of bloody violence that left 18 people dead on Friday, including six in a human bomb attack.. More

  • Rumsfeld Embarks on a Tour of the Gulf

    Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld left Saturday for a trip to the Gulf region. Rumsfeld has said he wants to talk to leaders of friendly countries in the area about changing the U.S. military presence there following the American-led invasion of Iraq and the overthrow of its government. He has suggested the United States could lower its profile.. More

  • Yemeni President Calls for Violence-Free Polls

    Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh called for the third parliamentary elections since reunification in 1990 to pass off without incident and free from the violence that has marred previous polls. "I hope Sunday's elections pass off safely and peacefully," Saleh said in a rare press conference at the converted warehouse headquarters of the Supreme Commission.. More