There are 781 articles

  • Make-up of a successful wife – II

    Foundations for success She is knowledgeable: `Aa`ishah, may Allah be pleased with her, related, "In the time of the Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allaah exalt his mention ) whenever any verse was revealed, we used to memorize the lawful, the unlawful, the do's and the don’ts contained in it, even if we did not memorize it's exact words." `Aa`ishah,.. More

  • Secret Marriage and Its Dangerous Impact

    No Marriage Without a Guardian The woman is not entitled to give herself in marriage without the consent of her family. Similarly, her guardian is not entitled to conclude her marriage without consulting her. Islam takes a moderate course by insisting that there should be participation from the woman, her guardian and family when it comes to her marriage... More

  • Raising Girls from Grandmothers to Granddaughters

    On my way home from work one day, I found male and female preparatory and secondary school students speaking with each other in an indecent, disrespectful manner. I saw with my own eyes a girl shouting the nastiest words in the face of a young man. I could not believe that it was actually a girl who was talking and that one day she would be a wife and.. More

  • The Impact of the Art of Listening and Understanding Between Spouses

    All families have problems. Misunderstanding and lack of listening between the spouses occurs for one reason or another. However, there are various degrees of this, some of which are endurable and considered normal in all families, whereas others are agonizing and abnormal. The latter leads to family disintegration and the breaking of its tight chain,.. More

  • Your Husband Does Not Share Responsibilities with You - Are You the Cause?

    Have you ever thought of compelling your husband to play his role as a father and fulfill his duty towards his children? Have you ever suffered from his negligence towards them? Have you ever tried to make him share the responsibility with you and make him the first one to know about your concerns? Hanaan Zayn, director of As-Sa‘aadah Center for.. More

  • Marrying Non-Muslim Women - Problems and Dangers - II

    Permissible, but…! Dr. Nasr Fareed Waasil, former Mufti of Egypt, says that the Sharee‘ah has permitted marrying foreign women from the People of the Book, meaning, Jewish and Christian women. However, this marriage has to fulfill several conditions, the first of which is that such a woman has to be religiously and morally committed in.. More

  • The Islamic Fiqh Academy and Differences Between the Working Husband and Wife

    The council of the Islamic Fiqh Academy, a subsidiary organ of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, in its sixteenth session, which was held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, issued a resolution and a Fatwa regarding the differences between the working husband and wife and the independent financial liability of both spouses. First: The Independent.. More

  • Her Tolerance Is Not Weakness and Her Insistence Is Not Strength

    Many of our homes are locked under the effect of fire under the ashes, frozen conflicts, spiritual detachment between the spouses and a mechanical motion of life that is devoid of love, affection and tranquility. The woman makes many concessions to keep the marital life going and the man throws the conflicts behind his back and preoccupies himself.. More

  • Divorcees Before the Wedding

    In recent times, cases of divorce before the consummation of the wedding have increased among youth for many reasons. Among them are the demanding of excessive dowries, furnishing the marital home, the housing crisis, the absence of religion in people's lives and the excessive intermixing between the couples, which causes coldness of emotions and drives.. More

  • An American Call to Every Woman: Surrender Immediately to Your Husband!

    "The surrendered wife" is the latest social fad which Laura Doyle, an American writer, calls to in her book bearing the same name. This book was recently published in the United States. Every word in this "educational" book calls for liberating men and placing restrictions on women. Furthermore, it urges women to return to the age.. More

  • Ten Tips to increase Love Between the Spouses

    Everyone wants to increase the amount of capital in the bank and searches for the means to increase his wealth. Similarly, everyone wishes to increase the affection and love he shares with his wife, so he should search for suitable means to increase the amount of love and faithfulness between them. We will mention some of them: 1- Exchanging gifts,.. More

  • Before it is Too Late

    It was completely unpredictable that something was going to happen and that my young, gentle cousin would experience the most difficult trial or that her two young children would become orphans in less than a moment. As usual, her husband dined and performed the ‘Ishaa’ prayer at home after a long, exhausting day at work. As he folded.. More

  • Divorce Rate Rivals Marriages in the Muslim World

    Ash-Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper hosted meetings with a number of scholars to discuss their opinions on the phenomenon of increasing divorce rates. One of the scholars, Shaykh Saalim ibn Mubaarak Al-Mahaarifi, may Allah preserve him, thepreacher in Riyadh Air Base and the Imaam of Hamzah ibn Abdul-Muttalib' Mosque at the National Guard base, said: "The.. More

  • Get Married and Live Happily

    A Swiss university conducted a recent study on the health benefits of marriage. The study proved that marriage protects men and women from chronic and occasional headaches. The psychological feeling of a lasting and stable relationship helps to reduce physical stress and increases the excretion of the happiness hormone in larger quantities than those.. More

  • Observe Etiquettes With Your Spouse

    Without a set of rules and orders to be applied and respected, life would be chaotic and uncivilized. A home that is based on desires will be destroyed by them. A home that is built on water will sink into it. A house that is constructed in the path of the flood will be destroyed by that flood. A family that is founded on piety and obedience to Allah.. More