There are 781 articles

  • Secret Marriage and Its Dangerous Impact

    Secret marriage is a new and dangerous phenomenon that is currently emerging in some Muslim communities. The danger of this phenomenon lies mainly in its secret occurrence. Hence, most people are unaware of it. Consequently, it takes them by surprise, harming the most valuable thing they have because it preys upon their preserved honor and chastity... More

  • How to teach our kids Tawheed

    When we want to teach our kids Tawheed (i.e. Islamic monotheism) should we have to read classical texts and books in this regard? No, this is not needed in the early stages of their lives because this requires long hours of attentiveness and hard work, which is difficult for children. Later in life, one can do so when their level of comprehension.. More

  • Balancing Socialization and Strangeness

    John Holt, one of the early advocates of home schooling, once remarked, "If I could give just one reason why children should not go to public schools, it would be the socialization they receive there. In general, the kind of behavior one finds most often in schools is petty, cruel, and mean-spirited." In spite of knowing or having experienced.. More

  • Homeschooling Resources

    Do you have access to enough resources? Schools have libraries, a set-curriculum and teachers who give students a readymade list of resources and references. What do homeschooling mothers have? The number-one resource for homeschoolers is the internet, where you can find everything from book lists on homeschooling methodologies, forums for Muslim.. More

  • Our Daughters at Home

    The father should spend on his daughter with satisfaction and not be a miser or remind her of the favors that he does for her. It was narrated on the authority of ‘Aai’shah, may Allah be pleased with her, that she said, “Once, a woman who had two daughters came to me, and I found nothing to give her except a date. So the mother took.. More

  • So That Jealousy Would Not Consume an Innocent Heart

    How to prepare your child to receive your newborn? The coming of a new baby brings much happiness to the family and at the same time is accompanied by some changes that may lead to problems. Therefore, the family should prepare itself for receiving the awaited child with lasting happiness. The most important person that should be prepared is the one.. More

  • Our Daughters at Home

    I received a letter from a girl in Damascus who narrates her story with her brothers at home. Her parents shower her with love and care, and her two elder brothers treat her well. However, her other brothers treat her cruelly and humiliate her as if she is a servant and scold her in the same way that a master scolds his slave when he makes a mistake... More

  • Repressed Emotions is a Woman’s Disease Caused by Incorrect Upbringing

    My chest is heavy. A volcano is about to erupt inside me. I need to cry. I do not want to speak with anyone. Similar sentences are repeated by many wives. Sometimes these words are spoken in a loud voice in front of others and sometimes the woman says them to herself. Women talk and talk and repress their feelings. The volcanoes remain inside them waiting.. More

  • Eight Tips to Help Baby Sleep

    Many mothers suffer from the problems associated with their child’s sleeping patterns, and this problem affects both of the mother and the baby. To overcome this problem, here are some tips to help your baby have a good night's sleep: 1- Do not put a pillow under the baby’s head during the first months. This can lead to a bent backbone.. More

  • Children’s Delinquency is the Price of the Absence of Motherhood

    There is a type of mother who forsakes her children and leaves them to face the surrounding harmful influences. In this way, she unintentionally ruins her children and reaps the bitter fruits of this. Recently, a newspaper published a story of a 16-year-old boy who deals in the weapons (pistols) that he makes. He has been caught several times but manages.. More

  • Should My Child Forgive or Retaliate?

    There are two different upbringing-related attitudes which are adopted by families. Some parents teach their children not to leave their rights and to pay their abusers back twofold. While others prefer tolerance, forgiveness, and ending quarrels. Each party has reasonable grounds. Families who teach their children to treat others in the same manner.. More

  • Maids & Baby-Sitters - A Domestic Time Bomb - I

    A maid puts a baby in the refrigerator to make him stop crying, which he does upon feeling the cold. Another one pricks a child's head with pins when he shouts, to keep him silent and to put him to sleep for a long time. When she knows that her employer does not want her and that he plans to send fire her, she puts his child in the washing machine... More

  • Artificial Motherhood Defeated

    Imagine if two mothers meet somewhere and each of them has a baby, one of them breastfeeds her child while the other bottle-feeds hers. What if they converse and each of them explains why she feeds her infant in the way she chooses, noting that they are both equally enthusiastic about their choice and insist upon it. Who would prevail, and who would.. More

  • How the Prophet Raised His Daughters

    How the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, Looked After His Children During Their Youth When the daughter grows up, the parents should teach her the rights of Allah The Almighty, parents, and others. They should also teach her good manners and how to behave in different situations. Daughters should be taught to adhere to Hijab and to keep.. More

  • If You Have a Child, Be a Child With Him

    My friend said to me, I was pregnant with my first child. One day, my husband and I went on a picnic. In the park that we went to, we saw a man kneeling and playing with his child who was still crawling. My husband criticized the action of this father, and it seemed as if he pitied him for being criticized by other people who were visiting the garden.. More