There are 2024 articles

  • Patience: The Path to Paradise - I

    Ramadan is the month of patience; and Paradise is the reward of patience. Allah The Almighty Says (what means): • {And seek help through patience and prayer, and indeed, it is difficult except for the humbly submissive [to Allah]. Who are certain that they will meet their Lord and that they will return to Him.} [Quran 2:45-46] • {O you.. More

  • US troop massacre "occurred in two stages"

    The U.S. Army sergeant accused of killing 17 Afghan civilians is believed to have carried out the rampage in two stages, returning to base after the first shootings and then going out to kill again, a U.S. official said on Saturday. The official, speaking on condition of anonymity, did not offer further details about the investigation into the March.. More

  • Sharp increase in Palestinian deaths in 2011

    The past year saw a sharp rise in the number of civilians killed in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, a human rights group said. An annual report from the Jerusalem-based B'Tselem showed that in 2011 Israeli forces killed a total of 105 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, of whom 37 were confirmed as non-combatants. "The picture is harsh, not because.. More

  • Syrians routinely tortured in detention

    People detained by the Syrian authorities are being systematically and routinely tortured, an Amnesty International report alleges. The rights group says officials are using techniques including suspending and then beating detainees with fists and rifle butts. Many of those from whom Amnesty gathered testimony said children were among the torture.. More

  • Syrian surgeon: Why I'm risking my life to treat protesters

    More than 8,000 people have been killed in Syria since the uprising began a year ago, and many more injured. Fearing ill-treatment at official hospitals, demonstrators have sought help at underground clinics. One Damascus surgeon tells his story. I was at home, looking out of the window, watching a demonstration, when I saw a car being driven very.. More

  • Fruits of Reliance upon Allah The Almighty

    1. Triumph: Allah The Almighty Says (what means): "If Allah should aid you, no one can overcome you; but if He should forsake you, who is there that can aid you after Him? And upon Allah let the believers rely." [Quran 3:160] The command of Allah The Almighty in the verse to rely upon Him came after the mention of victory so as to show that.. More

  • Mass murder in Kandahar

    As the 16 civilian victims of a US sergeant's shooting spree in southern Afghanistan are buried, new details of the horrific episode are emerging. Nine of those killed were children. Three were women. The residents of Panjwai district in the volatile Kandahar province said they showed no resistance during the mass murder - because they have become.. More

  • The ruling on celebrating Mother’s Day and Family Day

    An article was published by An-Nadwah newspaper on 30/11/1384 A.H. entitled Takreem Al-Umm wa Takreem Al-Usrah (Honoring The Mother and The Family). The writer appreciated some aspects of the Western innovation of allocating one day during the year to mothers. He mentioned something that was overlooked by the people who introduced this day, namely,.. More

  • Inside Idlib: Assad crackdown grows in ferocity

    Winter still clings to the ancient cultivated hillsides of the northern Syrian province of Idlib. Nights are chillingly cold; mornings alternate between mist and feeble sun. Under the gnarled olive trees, the soil is naked and neatly raked. Tens of thousands of trees in rows follow the contours of the hills to the horizon and beyond. Around here, the.. More

  • Revenge of the settlers

    Palestinians are under increasing attacks from Israeli settlers, especially in the last few years, reports have found. Fadi Quran is little different from any other Palestinian living in the West Bank, where violence from Israeli settlers is part of daily life. Hailing from the town of Al-Bireh, less than one kilometer from the settlement of Psagot,.. More

  • Deadly drones come to the Muslims of the Philippines

    Early last month, Tausug villagers on the Southern Philippine island of Jolo heard a buzzing sound not heard before. It is a sound familiar to the people of Waziristan who live along Pakistan's border with Afghanistan, where the United States fights the Taliban. It was the dreaded drone, which arrives from distant and unknown destinations to cause death.. More

  • Refuting Al-Baatiniyyah - IV

    The beliefs of Al-Baatiniyyah are, as previously mentioned, based on the principle that knowledge cannot be attained except through the infallible Imaam and seeking that from any other source, as they believe, will be of no avail. The Imaam is the only one who can interpret texts and his interpretation is decisive and cannot be in any way rejected... More

  • Al-Baatiniyyah: Their Principles and Beliefs-III

    Examples of the deviated interpretations of Al-Baatiniyyah It has previously been mentioned that the belief of Al-Baatiniyyah is based on the distortion of the apparent meanings of the Quran and Sunnah (Prophetic tradition) to other esoteric meanings. Amongst such naïve distortions is their claim that fornication does not mean the illicit insertion.. More

  • Al-Baatiniyyah: Their Principles and Beliefs-II

    The beliefs of Al-Baatiniyyah The beliefs of Al-Baatiniyyah are hidden as their name indicates. However, their doctrine and beliefs became known, although they were very keen on hiding them, via those who embraced Islam from them. However, they deny such beliefs. They show the adherents of other faiths what they (the people of those faiths) like and.. More

  • Al-Baatiniyyah: Their Principles and Beliefs-I

    Al-Baghdaadi, may Allah have mercy upon him, said in Al-Farq bayn Al-Firaq, “You, may Allah please you, should know that the effect of Al-Baatiniyyah is more adverse and harmful on all Muslim groups than that of the Jews, Christians and Magians. Rather, it is more destructive than Ad-Dahriyyah and all the other sects of disbelievers.” Al-Baatiniyy.. More