There are 2024 articles

  • Confucianism

    Definition Confucianism is the religion of the ancient Chinese, named after the great philosopher Confucius who appeared in the sixth century B.C, calling for the revival of the religious values and traditions that the Chinese had inherited from their forefathers. To these values, he added his own philosophy and moral values leading to sound behaviour.Altho.. More

  • Nullification of ablution

    Before offering prayers and other particular acts of worship, one must be in a state of ritual purity. It is necessary therein to wash the parts of the body that are generally exposed to dirt or other impurities. This cleansing is called Wudhoo' (Ablution) and is performed as follows: 1. Have the intention that the act is for the purpose of worship.. More

  • Invasion by South Sudan army in Sudanese territory of Heglig

    In yet another unwarranted act of aggression, South Sudan and its proxy forces again heinously attacked and occupied Heglig on April 10th, an area that is indisputably a Sudanese territory. The assault comes in the midst of strenuous peace-building efforts exerted by the African Union High-level Implementation Panel (AUHIP) whose chairman recently.. More

  • Allah's Knowledge is infinite

    One of the Divine Attributes Allah, The Most Exalted, Has is Infinite Knowledge that encompasses everything in the heavens and earth and what is in between them; in the worldly life and the Hereafter. Therefore, among His Divine Names is the All-Knowing. Allah the Almighty Says in the Quarn (what means): "Verily, He, only He, is the All-Hearer,.. More

  • Deir Yassin: No passing over history

    On April 9, 1948, scores of Palestinian civilians were massacred at the village of Deir Yassin through cooperative efforts of Yishuv forces like the Irgun, Lehi and the Haganah. The Zionist narrative on the events of 1948 and the Nakba - the Arabic word for the depopulation of Palestine - talks about the war as a defensive one where there was no intention.. More

  • Islam on dowry

    The Real Gift Islam has legislated the giving of the dower by the husband to the wife in order to please the woman’s heart and to honour her. It is also meant to bring an end to what was done in the Days of Ignorance wherein she was wronged, exploited, despised and robbed of her wealth. The dower is a right exclusively for the wife. It is her.. More

  • Our Children and Prayer - II

    • Accompany your child to the mosque: When your child is able to perform prayer as due, or even is able to comprehend prayer before reaching the age of distinction, you should accompany him to the mosque so as to perform congregational prayers. This makes the child’s heart attached to the greatest educational institutions in the Muslim society,.. More

  • Our Children and Prayer - I

    • “My son does not pray except because he fears me.” • “If I did not remind him of the prayer time, he would wait until its due time had passed.” • “My son only prays to silence my yells. Can you imagine that he does not even perform ablution before praying?” Dear parent, if you are among this group,.. More

  • Israel’s second-class citizens

    Israeli authorities have basically ignored a court order in June 2011 to provide Bedouin communities with water, just as Jewish Israelis are. Between 80,000 and 90,000 Bedouin citizens of Israel live in unrecognized villages in the southern Negev, according to a report by the Association for Civil Rights in Israel. As a result of their unrecognized.. More

  • Syria's greater revolution

    Veteran activists of the current Syrian uprising share their tales of struggle and revolution. The Syrian revolution began gradually; a protest in Damascus, the detention of teenage anti-regime graffitists in Dar’aa, and the subsequent mass rally for their release that led to a strong military reaction happened over just a few days and slowly.. More

  • Palestinians forge new strategies of resistance

    A one-state solution in Palestine/Israel is a subject being increasingly discussed and debated. One way in which the conversation has emerged is through an analysis of the current situation as a de facto one state, a regime which privileges Jews above Palestinians (the latter being granted or denied different rights according to geography and legal.. More

  • Europe no sanctuary for Afghan asylum seekers

    As Afghanistan's army was beginning to assume a more active combat role in 2007 - and as suicide bombings and opium production hit record highs - Omar thought a move to Europe would make his life safer. Instead, as with the 300 Afghans who marched in Stockholm that year to demand their rights to asylum, the 19-year-old would realize the journey to.. More

  • Rights of the Kin in the Light of Islam –III

    The merits and benefits of keeping good family relations: 1. The Way to Paradise The Messenger, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, said: "Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, then let him be generous to his guest, and whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him maintain the bond of kinship, and whoever believes in Allah and the Last.. More

  • Patience: The Path to Paradise - III

    Fifteenth: Allah The Almighty promised believersthevictory and it is part of the glad tidings that will surely fulfilled for them. Allah The Almighty Says that they got that only through patience; He Says (what means): {And the good word of your Lord was fulfilled for the Children of Israel because of what they had patiently endured.} [Quran 7:137] Sixteenth.. More

  • Patience: The Path to Paradise - II

    In the renowned book ‘Udat As-Sabireen, Ibn Al-Qayyim quoted Imam Ahmad , may Allah have mercy upon them, as saying, “Allah The Almighty mentioned patience in the Quran in ninety places.” Here I will mention the various contexts in which patience was mentioned: First: The command to be patient; Allah The Almighty Says (what means):.. More