There are 919 articles

  • How Long Will You Wait Before Repenting?

    Once, a man asked another, "How many years have passed upon you?" He said, "Sixty years." He said, "Then, you are about to go to Allah." On that he said, "We all are going to Allah, and to Him all we shall return." He further asked, "Do you know what this means?" He said, "He, who knows that he.. More

  • Beware of Stumbling on the Path to Forgiveness

    A believer who expects the forgiveness of Allah The Almighty should know that by no means could this forgiveness be attained by sleep, hesitation and laziness. Forgiveness can only be attained by doing efforts befitting it. Allah The Almighty accepts even a small amount of work provided that it is done with sincere love and devotion to Allah The Almighty... More

  • Adorn Yourself with Worship in the Last Nights of Ramadan

    During the last days of Ramadan, the righteous predecessors stood (in prayer) at night, awakened their families, engaged in worship more diligently, kept aloof from women, and stood day and night in prayer and in worship of their Lord, in expectation of His reward. They raised their hands towards Allah The Almighty, supplicating Him not to let them.. More

  • Between Hope and Fear in the Last Days of Ramadan - II

    Once Ramadan is over, what do you do? You give up standing (at night in prayer), fasting, remembrance (of Allah The Almighty) and recitation of the Quran. This is the dark state which afflicts the believers after Ramadan as if they have neither stood (in prayer), nor fasted, nor drawn closer to their Lord, nor recited the Quran. This state, then, requires.. More

  • Between Hope and Fear in the Last Days of Ramadan - I

    In order to see the missing significance of the days of Ramadan, one should do his best to strive against himself, to get rid of the burdens and veils that hinder him from spending, being devoted and drawing close to Allah The Almighty. Let us see how the Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, and his Companions hastened to these things... More

  • Be Grateful for Witnessing Ramadan

    Although the days of one's lifepass quickly just as those of Ramadan, one feels this quick passage especially in Ramadan, because its days are very short. The truth is, all of one's days are limited and short even though a person does not feel it. Allah The Almighty has opened for you a new month of Ramadan. Having pledged the last year to be better.. More

  • The Verses of Fasting and Contextualization - IV

    Abiding by the religious rulings regarding the relationship between men and women safeguards them from fornication and unlawful sexual intercourse. However, abiding by the religious rulings in the marital relationship according to the obligations of worship and I‘tikaaf (staying in seclusion) in Ramadan is the ultimate form of this commitment.. More

  • The Verses of Fasting and Contextualization - III

    The saying of Allah The Almighty (which means): {And to glorify Allah for that [to] which He has guided you} affirms the significance of the context i.e. the life of this Ummah (Muslim nation) and its identity are closely related to the glorification of Allah The Almighty since the first moment of prophethood. {And your Lord glorify} meaning, to glorify.. More

  • The Verses of Fasting and Contextualization - II

    The value of the life of the Muslim individual was established through the ruling of legal retribution. Then the value of the Muslim individual himself was proved by means of testimony. Then came the verses of fasting in the same context, covering two basic aspects: the Muslim individual and the Ummah (Muslim nation). Allah The Almighty Says (what means):.. More

  • The Verses of Fasting and Contextualization - I

    The discourse of the verses of fasting starts with a general instruction to the Ummah (Muslim nation) to realize righteousness in its comprehensive meaning. This includes all the different good deeds that can be done to achieve the victory of goodness that can guarantee the survival of the Ummah and ensure its protection against destruction. Allah.. More

  • O Allah, Grant Us the Grace to Witness Ramadan

    Days pass, weeks come successively, months alternate -- and the month of goodness, blessings and mercy draws closer. This urges the believers to increasingly chant and repeat their immortal supplication, "O Allah, grant us the grace to witness Ramadan." It is the supplication which the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, used to.. More

  • Making the Most of Ramadan - II

    The month of Ramadan is the month of great gains and profits. The wise trader is the one who makes the most of special occasions to increase his profits. So make the most of this month by increasing in your acts of worship, praying a great deal, reading the Quran, forgiving people, being kind to others and giving charity to the poor. In the month of.. More

  • Making the Most of Ramadan - I

    The days of Ramadan pass by very quickly, as if they were fleeting moments. We welcomed Ramadan last year and bade it farewell and we are welcoming Ramadan again after a short while, so we should hasten to do good deeds in this month and strive to fill it with all the deeds which Allah The Almighty is pleased with and with that the actions which will.. More

  • Make Ramadan Your Breakthrough to Victory ‎‎

    ‎‎‎‎Today our Ummah (nation) is experiencing one of the most critical periods it has ever encountered throughout its history. All the members of the Ummah must hasten and exert efforts to change the status quo and regain the status this Ummah is supposed to have among nations;‎‎ ‎‎as a leading nation not a follower; ‎‎a.. More

  • Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil during Ramadan

    Ramadan is a great month of good opportunities, blessings and blessed gifts from Allah The Almighty. During this month, people compete to do acts that bring them closer to Allah The Almighty and they hasten to all forms of obedience. One of the greatest acts of obedience that brings one closer to Allah The Almighty during this month is receiving a reward.. More