There are 919 articles

  • A Practical Program for the Family in Ramadan

    It is one of the blessings of Allah The Almighty upon the Muslims that He prescribed for them fasting the month of Ramadan. He made Ramadan an opportunity for the individual, family, and the whole society to seek perfection in faith, and improve their level of determination and morals to lead a happy life. In doing so, their hearts get closer to their.. More

  • The Secret of Fasting ‎‎‎- III

    Imitating angels‎ ‎Fasting is abandoning food, drink and sexual desire, so it entails becoming similar to angels and making the soul more elevated in a way that brings it closer to the state that Allah The Almighty created at first. When abandoning food, drink and sexual desire, one tightens the channels of the devil in the blood as fasting.. More

  • The Secret of Fasting - II

    No ostentation in fasting ‎ ‎…"except fasting. It is (exclusively) for Me and I (alone) will reward it." This is because no one can know that the person is fasting except Allah The Almighty, as fasting is fulfilled through intention and abandonment, unlike other acts of worship that are done by performing certain acts and movements.&.. More

  • The Secret of Fasting - I

    ‎‎Allah The Almighty legislated fasting as a mercy for His slaves as He is free of need and He provides them with sustenance.‎‎ ‎‎Allah The Almighty is the One who provided for people even before the creation and guarantees their sustenance whether they believe or disbelieve. ‎‎He never intended to expose them to difficulty.. More

  • Rulings on Fasting Children-II

    The ruling on the fasting of the child who has not attained puberty Q: What is the ruling on the fasting of the child who has not attained puberty? A: The fasting of the child, as we have already mentioned, is not obligatory on him. However, it is incumbent upon his parent to enjoin it upon him, in order to get accustomed to it. The fasting of the.. More

  • Rulings on Fasting Children-I

    This is a group of chosen Fatwas (religious rulings) given by scholars about the fasting of our beloved children. When should a child fast? Q: When should a child start fasting? At which age does it become obligatory for him to fast? A: A child is commanded to pray when he is seven years old, and should be lightly beaten for leaving it when he is.. More

  • Ramadan and Disciplining the Self - IV

    (Continued) When one commits grave sins while he is fasting, this proves that his fasting is not approved by Sharee‘ah (Islamic legislation) and thus it entails no reward and is rejected. Allah The Almighty does not need him to give up his food and drink. So, we say that a person who gives up prayer, a woman who goes out without the Sharee‘ah-app.. More

  • Ramadan and Disciplining the Self-III

    (Continued) Ramadan is a great opportunity to overcome your soul and control all your desires. During this month, Allah The Almighty has prescribed fasting, which is the most beneficial means of disciplining the soul. Fasting means to abstain from food, drink and sexual relations from the outbreak of dawn until sunset. This is the desired moderation.. More

  • Ramadan and Disciplining the Self - II

    (Continued) Some people are in a constant struggle with themselves. Sometimes, their heart, which is the locus of knowledge and faith is victorious and controls the soul, and at other times the soul defeats it. Therefore, he is obedient sometimes and disobedient another other times. He is in a constant struggle with himself defeating his soul one time.. More

  • Ramadan and Disciplining the Self - I

    Allah The Almighty has created people in a state of poverty and need. It is indisputable that people are in need of food, drink, sexual desire, dealing with others, obtaining benefits through wealth, and so on. Allah The Almighty has provided man with instinctive desires and inclinations in order to fulfill these needs because he cannot live without.. More

  • How to Quit Smoking in Ramadan - II

    10-You will develop an inner urge to start smoking again, so remember the Saying of Allah The Almighty (which means): {Indeed, those who fear Allah - when an impulse touches them from Satan, they remember [Him] and at once they have insight.} [Quran 7: 201]Besides, do not forget the Saying of Allah The Almighty (which means):{And if an evil suggestion.. More

  • How to Quit Smoking in Ramadan – I

    The blessed month of Ramadan comes bearinga practical educational message that encourages one towards greater piety, refinement and change for the better. It is a valuable opportunity to quitbad habits, organize one's life and free it from anarchy, monotony and indolence. It is also a practical test that teaches the Muslim how he can refine his conductand.. More

  • The Salaf on the Last ten Nights of Ramadan

    Dear brother and sister, the days and nights of Ramadan are distinguished, so seize the opportunity by increasing your remembrance of Allah and making supplications, especially during the chosen periods when they are most acceptable to Allah. These include: *When breaking the fast, since the fasting person has an answered supplication when he breaks.. More

  • Praiseworthy Practices of the Salaf in Ramadan

    Sitting in the mosque until sunrise: It was narrated that when the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, performed the Fajr (dawn) prayer, he sat in his prayer place until sunrise. [Muslim] Anas, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, said: "Whoever performs the Fajr prayer in congregation and.. More

  • The virtues of Fasting Ramadan

    The righteous predecessors (the Salaf), may Allah be pleased with them, were very keen on pleasing Allah in any way they can and draw nearer to Him by means of performing different types of righteous deeds. They were more so during the blessed month of Ramadan because of its special status in Islam. Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {The month.. More