There are 919 articles

  • 24 Ramadan

    24 Ramadan - Demolition of the Idol Manaat. The Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allaah exalt his mention ) sent Sa‘d ibn Zayd Al-Ash’hali, may Allah be pleased with him, to the idol of Manaat. It was an idol sanctified by Al-Aws, Al-Khazraj, and those who followed their religion in the pre-Islamic era. Sa‘d set out with twenty horsemen and demolished.. More

  • 27 Ramadan

    27 Ramadan - Assassination of Abu At-Tayyib Al-Mutanabbi, one of the most prominent poets in the Arabic literature - 354 A.H. - Birth of Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Saalih Al-'Uthaymeen - 1347 A.H. .. More

  • 30 Ramadan

    - Death of 'Amr Ibn Al-'Aas (on the night of 'Eed Al-Fitr) - 43 A.H. - Death of Al-Bukhari (on the night of 'Eed Al-Fitr) - 256 A.H. - Birth of Ibn Hazm, one of the most prominent scholars of Andalusia. He was one of the most prolific Islamic scholars in terms of composition and classification. He wrote around 400 volume in Fiqh, Hadeeth, Islamic.. More

  • Extravagance and waste

    With Ramadan fast approaching, now is a good time to reflect on our behavior and the values that we hold dear, making sure that they are in line with the standards that Allah the Almighty has set for us all. This can be one of the greatest challenges for believers. The world today celebrates superficiality and excess, placing greater value on material.. More

  • 10 Ramadan

    10 Ramadan - The French conquered Dumyat during the Ayyubid ruling - 615 A.H. - Death of the Mother of the Believers, Khadeejah may Allah be pleased with her - 3 years before Hijrah - The Death of Imaam ‘Abdullaah ibn Al-Mubaarak, may Allah have mercy upon him, at the age of sixty-three. He was one of the greatest scholars of Islam and authored.. More

  • 20 Ramadan

    20 Ramadan - The conquest of Makkah - 8 A.H. - The Death ofthe man of letters, historian, and grammarian Shihaab Ad-Deen Yaaqoot Ar-Roomi Al-Hamawi. He was an excellent poet and author of great books, such as Al-Udabaa', Ash-Shu‘araa' Al-Muta'akhireen wal-Qudamaa', Mu‘jam Al-Buldaan, Al-Mabda' wal-Ma'aal fi At-Taareekh, Ad-Duwal, and.. More

  • 16 Ramadan

    16 Ramadan - The Umayyad caliphate in Andalusia in its last days - 416 A.H. .. More

  • 17 Ramadan

    17 Ramadan - The beginning of Revelation to the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam - 13 years before Hijrah - The Great Battle of Badr - 2 A.H. - Death of 'Ali Ibn Abu Taalib may Allah be pleased with him - 40 A.H. - Death of the Mother of the Believers, 'Aa'ishah may Allah be pleased with her - 58 A.H. - The Death of Imaam, jurist and Haafith.. More

  • 18 Ramadan

    18 Ramadan - Death of Khaalid Ibn Al-Waleed may Allah be pleased with him, a great leader and companion of the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam - 21 A.H. -The Death of Imaam Az-Zuhri, Muhammad ibn Muslim ibn ‘Ubaydullaah Al-Qurashi Az-Zuhri, may Allah have mercy upon him. He was a noble Taabi‘i (successor of the Companions) and one.. More

  • 19 Ramadan

    19 Ramadan - Death of 'Ali Ibn Abdullaah Ibn 'Abbaas may Allah be pleased with them - 40 A.H. - The Death the eminent scholar of Hadeeth and Haafith Abu Ismaa‘eel Hammaad ibn Zayd ibn Dirham. He was one of the Imaams of the righteous predecessors and the most accurate memorizer of Hadeeth. Imaam ‘Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Mahdi said about him,.. More

  • 09 Ramadan

    9 Ramadan -The Muslim leader, Noorid-Deen Mahmoud, achieved a decisive victory over the Crusaders in the battle of Haarim - 599 A.H... More

  • 08 Ramadan

    8 Ramadan - Death of Tighrilbek, the first king of the Seljuk (Turkish) dynasty. He defeated the Byzantines in several wars - 455 A.H. - Sultan Alb Arsalaan became a ruler of the Seljuk State. He bitterly defeated the Byzantines and made the state reach its apex of development - 455 A.H. .. More

  • 14 Ramadan

    14 Ramadan - The Kings of Himyar Embraced Islam. A message came to the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, from the kings of Himyar announcing their conversion to Islam. They included Al-Haarith ibn ‘Abd Kulaal, Nu‘aym ibn ‘Abd Kulaal, An-Nu‘maan, Ma‘aafir and Hamdaan- 9 A.H. - The Conquest of Antioch. Antioch.. More

  • 11 Ramadan

    11 Ramadan - Death of Jingez Khan, the founder of the Mongol State which invaded a large area of the world - 624 A.H. - The great Battle of Al-Buwayb took place at the time of the Commander of the Believers ‘Umar ibn Al-Khattaab, may Allah be pleased with him, after the Muslims' defeat in the Battle of Al-Jisr. The Muslim Army in this battle.. More

  • 13 Ramadan

    13 Ramadan - Death of Muhammad Ali Pasha, who founded a strong State in Egypt after the withdrawal of the French army.Under his rule, the state expanded to include Hejaz and Levant - 1265 A.H. - The Battle of Zallaaqah took place, in which the Muslim army defeated the army of Alfonso XVI. This war was of a great significance in the Islamic history.. More