There are 919 articles

  • 12 Ramadan

    12 Ramadan - Death of Shaykh-al-Islam Jamaal Ad-Deen Abu Al-Faraj ‘Abdur-Rahmaan ibn ‘Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Ja‘far Al-Jawzi, the great scholar who was known for his prowess in oratory, Fiqh, Hadeeth, history and literature. He was famous for his touching sermons. His compositions amounted to 300, tackling different fields of knowledge.. More

  • 15 Ramadan

    15 Ramadan - Birth of Al-Hasan Ibn 'Ali may Allah be pleased with them - 3 A.H. - The Death of Lady Nafeesah bint Al-Hasan, daughter of the Ameer Abu Muhammad Al-Hasan ibn Zayd ibn Al-Hasan ibn ‘Ali ibn Abi Taalib. She was a righteous woman; Imaam Ash-Shaafi‘i learnt from her, and she offered his funeral prayer. She was buried in Egypt.. More

  • Muslim youth and Ramadan

    Ramadan fast approaches. The pathways of our hearts and minds carry us to myriad thoughts and reflections surrounding this blessed month. In the words that follow, we've collected some of these meditations from our peers, our Muslim young, both men and women. Words unspoken, more often than not, get buried beneath the incessant buzz of daily bustle,.. More

  • 03 Ramadan

    3 Ramadan - Death of Faatimah, daughter of Muhammad sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam - 11 A.H. - Death of Marwaan Ibn Al-Hakam by poison at the hand of his wife - 56 A.H... More

  • 06 Ramadan

    6 Ramadan Death of Hammaad Ibn Zayd , the great Muslim scholar of Hadeeth. .. More

  • 07 Ramadan

    7 Ramadan - Al-Azhar Mosque was completed and opened - 361 A.H. - Abu Taalib, uncle of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, died on this day -3 B.H... More

  • 01 Ramadan

    1 Ramadan - The French army reached Al-Mansoorah (in Egypt) after conquering Dumyat - 647 A.H. - The death of Avicenna (Ibn Seena), the Muslim physician and philosopher who was the first to write on medicine in the Islamic World - 428 A.H. - Al-Qarawiyyeen Mosque was built in Fes (Morocco)- 245 A.H. .. More

  • 04 Ramadan

    4 Ramadan - Death of Al-Jabarti, the great historian who was coeval with the French conquest of Egypt and recorded that period - 1238 A.H. - Death of Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali, a well-known scholar of Fiqh, Hadeeth and Tafseer. He was a student of Ibn Al-Qayyim - 795 A.H... More

  • 05 Ramadan

    5 Ramadan - The Muslim leader Ath-Thaahir Baybars freed Antakya from the Byzantines -666 A.H - The Caliph Al-Mu‘tasim wanted to conquer the Roman city of ‘Amooriyyah and prepared a mighty army for the task. The vanguard of the army arrived in the city on the 5th of Ramadan, and they laid a firm siege to it. The Roman emperor sent a request.. More

  • 02 Ramadan

    - The Battle of Marj As-Suffar, near Damascus, in which the Muslim Mamlouks defeated the Mongols - 702 A.H. - Birth of Ibn Khaldoun, the great historian and pioneer of modern sociology - 732 A.H. - The Battle of Bilaat Ash-Shuhadaa' in which the French defeated the Muslims and killed their leader Abdur-Rahmaan Al-Ghaafiqi -114 A.H. .. More

  • Lest We Forget Them…

    Ramadan comes this year while the troubles and disasters afflicting the Ummah (Muslim nation) are greater than the previous Ramadan. There are the homeless, hungry, frightened, imprisoned people and other poverty-stricken Muslims in various countries of the world. What is our attitude towards this situation? First: One should acknowledge the favors.. More

  • A Bad Odor from the Mouth While Fasting

    Question: Since last winter, I have gotten myself into the habit of fasting every Monday and Thursday, acting upon the Sunnah of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, and I thank Allah for this great blessing. However, many people criticize me because of an extremely bad odor that emanates from my mouth whenever I fast, despite me brushing.. More

  • Excessive Phlegm While Fasting

    Question: During the daytime while I am fasting in Ramadan, I produce excessive phlegm, some of which I cannot expel, so it remains stuck in my throat. Is there a solution to this? Answer: Assalaamu ‘Alaykum, respected brother Sameer. This could be a result of a problem in your respiratory system, such as a chronic infection that may be.. More

  • Zakatul-Fitr

    Question Please give me details on Zakatul-Fitr, is it possible to give money instead of food items? Fatwa All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. Giving Zakatul-Fitr is an obligation on every Muslim who possesses enough food.. More

  • Farewell Ramadan

    When one ponders over the history of nations, they will realise that all are in the process of constant change. This is the course destined for them by Allah and nothing can change that. If an honourable guest visits you in your dwellings, showers you with goodness and loves you – which you reciprocate; then the time for his departure arrives,.. More