There are 158 articles

  • Hope is the elixir of life

    Please join us in mediating on what motivates a farmer to work hard and sweat. It is the hope of a bountiful harvest. What urges a merchant to travel, adventure and leave his people and home? It is the hope of getting revenues. What encourages a student to study hard and remain awake for hours? It is the hope for success. What motivates a soldier.. More

  • The glory of faith

    Khaleefah Haroon Ar-Rasheed, may Allah have mercy upon him, was once looking up at the sky from his palace in Baghdad and he saw a cloud passing by. He addressed it saying calmly, “Rain wherever you wish, for your fruit will certainly come to me anyway.” This means that the cloud would have rained either on an Islamic land or on a non-Islamic.. More

  • Signs of heart disease

    There are numerous signs of a sickness of the heart. The first of them, is finding it difficult to live by the purpose of our creation, which is to know Allah, the Almighty, love Him, yearn to meet Him, turn to Him in repentance and to prefer doing all this to any other desire. Indeed, whoever gives precedence to his or her whims, over the love of,.. More

  • Weakness and ineffectiveness

    A Muslim is commanded to pursue available means of attaining power and to abandon weakness and ineffectiveness. The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, explained that "a strong believer is better and dearer to Allaah than a weak believer, and there is good in each one. Cherish that which gives you benefit, seek help from Allah and do.. More

  • Conditions of Repentance

    Humankind is encouraged to seek the forgiveness of Allah The Almighty and repent sincerely for their sins and mistakes so that they may receive His Mercy. However, there are five conditions of repentance, which must be met for one's repentance to be accepted. First: The most important condition for the acceptance of one's repentance is that the act.. More

  • The ideal Muslim in the community

    The Muslim community is based on sincerity, purity of human feelings and fulfillment of rights and needs to every member. The Muslim has a mission in life. Within the community he calls the people to Islam with good preaching and the best character. He teaches from what he learns and deals with those whom he comes in contact with based on Islamic.. More

  • Satan's gateways to the heart

    The heart is like a fort and Satan the advancing enemy, who is intent on infiltrating and occupying it. Hence, only by guarding the gates, entrances and vulnerable positions, will it be impenetrable. Yet, a person who is unacquainted with the structure of the fortress, particularly its access points, cannot adequately defend it. By the same token, the.. More

  • Renewing Faith through Fear and Hope

    Texts from the Quran: • The hope of the believers which is accompanied with good deeds; Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {Indeed, those who have believed and those who have emigrated and fought in the cause of Allah - those hope (i.e., expect) the mercy of Allah.} [Quran, 2: 218] They believed, gave up their homes, migrated to strange countries,.. More

  • Enhancing zuhd in Ramadan

    Let us welcome the blessed month of Ramadan this time with a fresh commitment to our Merciful Creator and Sustainer to reorient our lives in His way. The most salient lesson of this month of divine training for the believers is self-restraint and abstinence. As we train ourselves in abstinence from the necessities of life for part of a day through.. More

  • At-Tawakkul: Reliance on Allah – II

    Tawakkul of the bee: First, let us look at the fascinating life of the bee. Allah Says (what means): "And your Lord inspired to the bee: 'Take for yourself among the mountains, houses, and among the trees and [in] that which they construct. Then eat from all the fruits and follow the ways of your Lord laid down [for you]." There emerges.. More

  • At-Tawakkul: Reliance on Allah – I

    Allah the Most High has created us of the best stature and granted us many abilities so that we may look after our needs and those of our relatives and fellow Muslims. He Almighty has invited us to explore the earth and use it for our subsistence. Allah Sayas what means: "It is He who made the earth tame for you – so walk among its slopes.. More

  • Fascination with this world

    The life of this world is fleeting and is often focused on materialism – it is so easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of it all – but how does that affect our faith? We all love this life to some extent or another – our homes, our cars, and most of all our family – but what we do not know is just how much of a corruption.. More

  • Means of Acquiring Refined Morals

    Undeniably, changing one's morals for the better is the toughest change for the human being, but it is not impossible. There are many ways and methods to help one acquire refined morals, which include the following: Pure creed: Having a pure creed is a serious matter, as one's conduct and behavior are, very often, the fruits of one's creed and ideology... More

  • Ostentation

    There is an abundance of proof in the Quran and Sunnah regarding the impermissibility of ostentation; and those who show off are often dispraised, as when Allah The Almighty Said (what means): {So woe to those who pray*[But] who are heedless of their prayer -*those who make show [of their deeds]} [Quran 107:4-6]; and, {So whoever would hope for the.. More

  • White Lies: Are They Permissible?

    Many take the permission of the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, to lie in three exceptional cases in the wrong way as a justification for white lies. The Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, said: "A liar is not one who tries to bring reconciliation amongst people and speaks good (in order to avert dispute), or he conveys good." [Muslim] C.. More