Make the Most out of Ramadan!

Ramadan is just around the corner. It will be a great blessing for those of us who live to see it and pick its invaluable fruits. It is a time of Taqwa (piety), of Eeman (faith), and of Ihsan (excellence). It's time for renovation of faith, for renewal of our pledge to Allah Almighty, for refueling our soul for the onslaughts the next year holds for us. Yet, it will pass by many of us without touching them. How deprived are those who will remain untouched by it! And how lucky... More

Allah, the Almighty Loves deliberation - I

,Dear brothers and sisters, if you think about the negative results of many of our deeds, you would find that rashness and lack of deliberation are the main reasons behind losing what we want. Deliberation means not being hasty in seeking anything and acting purposefully to gain it. Consider how Allah, the Almighty disapproves of haste. Allah, the Almighty Says (what means): {O you who have believed, if there comes to you a disobedient one with information, investigate, lest... More

Allah, the Almighty Loves deliberation - II

We should be deliberate and not hasty in our speech. What makes us act hastily in any matter, without giving it careful consideration? As long as we are in the process of thinking and have not uttered any words or done an action, we still have the privilege of choice. However, once we have uttered the words or done the action, then we have no choice but to wait for the results. Do you not see how many people are in prison and if you asked them, they would all say in one... More

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The Quran

Prophet Muhammad

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  • Summary of Events after Hijrah

    1st year of Hijrah 1. As soon as the Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allaah exalt his mention ) reached Madinah, he built a Mosque for prayers. The walls were made of mud and the roof was made of leafy stalks of date trees. 2. Up until then there were only two compulsory Rak'ahs (units of prayer) for the noon (Dhuhr), afternoon (‘Asr) and night (‘Isha) prayers;.. More

  • Objectives of Surah Al-Mumtahinah

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  • Incidents from the Battle of Al-Ahzab

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  • And They Said, “There is None But Our Worldly Life”

    Among the analogue verses of the Quran, the following three are noteworthy: First verse: “And they say, ‘There is none but our worldly life, and we will not be resurrected.’” [Quran 6:29] Second verse: “Life is not but our worldly life—we die and live, but we will not be resurrected.” [Quran 23: 37] Third.. More

  • Resurrection after Death in the Verses of the Noble Quran - I

    Resurrection after death and the assemblage of people before their Creator to be called to account on the Day of Judgement are one of the main creeds stated in the Noble Quran. As this creed was doubted and considered unlikely by the polytheists, Allah says about them: “When we are dead and reduced to dust and bones, will we really be resurrected?&rdquo.. More

  • Resurrection after Death in the Verses of the Noble Quran - II

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  • Warning against Shirk in the Noble Quran

    If murder and genocide are crimes denounced by humanity, Shirk (associating others with Allah in His Divinity or worship) is the greatest crime of all, as the former are crimes perpetrated against man, while the latter is committed against Allah, the Almighty. Allah’s rights are greater than those of man, as Allah created man, provided him with.. More

  • Cheerfulness Brings About Amicability

    When you meet a person and you feel that he is pleased to meet you by smiling at you, dealing with you in courtesy, and seeming to be delighted, surely you rejoice and feel comfortable. However, if he meets you with a frowning face, you turn away from him and you do not like meeting him, even if you are getting some benefits from this meeting. Ibn.. More

  • How to Think?

    By: Dr. Tarek Alghannam Thinking is a complex intellectual process that is too difficult to be defined, as difficult as its hidden content, even though it can be said: "It is an invisible and intangible automatic brain activity that characterizes one person from another." It can also be said that there are ways of thinking that we might.. More