There are 17997 articles

  • EU Heads For Showdown on Iraq as US Patience Wears Thin

    The European Union, seeking to forge a common stance on Iraq, was headed for a showdown between advocates and opponents of US-led war on Baghdad, as EU foreign policy envoy Javier Solana warned military action might be "necessary" if diplomacy was exhausted.Britain is leading proponents of military action within the 15-nation EU, while France and Germany.. More

  • N.Korea Rattles Sabres; US, South Plan War Games

    North Koreasaid Monday it would win any nuclear war with the United States as the crisis over the communist state's suspected drive to manufacture atomic weapons entered the fifth month. South Koreaweighed in with some rhetoric of its own. President Kim Dae-jungsaid North Korea should "not even dream of having nuclear weapons," calling it a dangerous.. More

  • NATO Wounded, but Turkey Gets Allies' Protection

    NATO military planners start work on Monday on steps to protect Turkey after the defense alliance broke a month-long deadlock over preparations for a possible U.S.-led war against Iraq. But as the planners get down to business, NATO nations will be surveying the damage inflicted on the credibility of their 54-year-old defense alliance. NATO Secretary-General.. More

  • Arab Envoys Fail to Agree on Iraq Summit

    Arab foreign ministers could not agree Sunday on whether to hold an emergency summit on the Iraqi crisis, spending most of the day disputing whether Washington or Baghdad should do more to avert a possible war. Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa said after the meeting that the ministers decided to continue talks on convening a summit, which Egyptian.. More

  • Israeli Occupation Troops Kill Two in Gaza Raid, Monday

    Israeli occupation troops killed two Palestinians, one of them a policeman, in clashes with resistance activists during a pre-dawn raid into a Gaza neighborhood on Monday, Palestinian witnesses and security sources said More than 30 tanks and other occupation army vehicles rumbled into the Twam neighborhood north of Gaza City where occupation troops.. More

  • Hamas Blames Israel for Five Dead in Gaza Blast

    At least five Palestinian members of Hamas were killed Sunday in a blast near Gaza City which the militant Islamic group blamed on Israel and vowed to avenge. Two other Palestinians were killed in the West Bank city of Nablus during clashes which erupted during an Israeli army raid to arrest a high-ranking official in the Palestine Liberation Organization,.. More

  • Arabs to Support International Efforts to Disarm Iraq Peacefully

    HIGHLIGHTS: || Two EU Officials Attend Ministerial Session in Sharm al-Sheikh|| EU Holds Summit on Monday to Adopt Unified Position on Iraq|| Ministerial Session at Sharm al-Sheikh to Prepare for Emergency Arab Summit, Feb. 27, 2003|| Emir of Qatar, current OIC chairman,to Attend Emergency Arab Summit at Sharm al-Sheikh||STORY Arab foreign ministers.. More

  • Protests Slow Momentum for Iraq War as NATO, EU Address Rifts

    Massive peace demonstrations at the weekend slowed the momentum of the US-led drive for war on Iraq, bolstering diplomatic bids for peaceful alternatives, as Europe grappled with deep divisions over the Baghdad crisis.Global anti-war protests on a scale not seen since the Vietnam War, coming after a majority of the UN Security Council backed further.. More

  • Palestinian killed in Nablus clashes

    One Palestinian was killed and eight wounded in intense exchanges of fire in the West Bank city of Nablus as Israeli occupation forces clashed with Palestinian resistance activists, Palestinian medics said.The gun battle erupted after an Israeli armoured unit, including tanks, surrounded a building in the northern city and a crowd of around 100 youths.. More

  • Millions Join Global Protests against Iraq War

    More than six million protesters took to the streets around the globe on Saturday to send a passionate message to President Bush not to invade Iraq and to give peace a chance. In a huge wave of demonstrations not seen since the Vietnam War era, anti-war marchers in more than 600 towns and cities from Canberra to Cape Town to Chicago called on Bush to.. More

  • Israeli, Palestinian Officials to London Monday for Reform Meetings

    Israeli and Palestinian officials are to travel to London Monday for a series of meetings aimed at furthering reforms in the Palestinian Authority, officials on both sides said. An Israeli delegation is to head out Monday afternoon to participate in a series of sessions about economic reforms, foreign ministry spokesman Jonathan Peled said.The group.. More

  • Bahrain Arrests 5 in Alleged Terror Plot

    More than six million protesters took to the streets around the globe on Saturday to send a passionate message to President Bush not to invade Iraq and to give peace a chance. Five Bahraini men aged 31-41 were arrested for plotting terrorist acts against the island's "national interests and endangering the lives of innocent people," the official Bahrain.. More

  • 4 Killed in Israeli Tank Blast

    A bomb exploded under an Israeli occupationtank in the Gaza Stripon Saturday, setting the tank on fire and killing at least four occupation soldiers inside, an Arab satellite television station reported. The Al-Jazeera station, monitored in Egypt, said four or five occupation soldiers died in the blast in the northern Gaza Strip, near the town of Beit.. More

  • Iraq Inspectors to Get More Time - Blair

    The UK Prime Minister, Tony Blair, has said the UN weapons inspectors in Iraq will be given more time - but the UN's authority is at stake. Mr Blair was speaking a day after chief weapons inspector Hans Blix told the UN Security Council that after almost three months of work, his team had found no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. "There will be.. More

  • Weekend Brings Global Anti-War Rallies

    Tens of thousands of New Zealanders demonstrated against a war in Iraq Saturday, kicking off anti-war rallies planned around the world this weekend. Activists in Britain - the key U.S. ally in the effort to disarm Iraq - prepared for a rally in London's Hyde Park on Saturday that organizers hoped would draw 500,000 people. War opponents also planned.. More

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