There are 17997 articles

  • Day of Mass Protest against War in Iraq Kicks off

    Thousands of Australians kicked off global protests on Saturday against a looming U.S.-led war on Iraq in the biggest mass peace demonstrations since the Vietnam conflict. In the Australian city of Melbourne, 100,000 people demonstrated in a peace movement expected to spread to around 600 towns and cities around the world stretching from the far south.. More

  • Blix Report Results in Setback for U.S., Britain

    The United States and Britain met strong opposition on Friday for plans to get U.N. endorsement to use military force against Iraq after U.N. arms inspectors said they had discovered no banned weapons. With France in the lead, most U.N. Security Council members were jittery about a conflict in the Middle East and hoped inspections would continue --.. More

  • Mideast Peace Crucial to War on Terrorism: US

    Ending the conflict between the Palestinians and Israel is "a critical component" to winning the war on terrorism, the White House said in a strategic blueprint for that global campaign."No other issue has so colored the perception of the United States in the Muslim world," according to the 30-page "National Strategy for Combating Terrorism."The document.. More

  • Blix: Iraq Banned Weapons Unaccounted For

    Chief U.N. weapons inspector Hans Blix, giving a report which could be crucial to whether war is waged on Iraq, said on Friday that banned Iraqi weapons still were unaccounted for and Baghdad must detail the status of anthrax and VX stocks and long-range missiles. Blix also told a tense meeting of the U.N. Security Council that two versions of Iraq's.. More

  • Muslim Pilgrims Complete Hajj Ritual

    More than 2 million Muslims concluded the annual pilgrimage Thursday with a farewell visit to the Grand Mosque, where they were guided and controlled by thousands of security officers anxious to avoid a repeat of the stampede that left 14 people dead. The Grand Mosque, Islam's holiest site, overflowed with pilgrims saying prayers before leaving the.. More

  • All Eyes on UN Inspectors as U.S. Rolls Toward War

    Top U.N. arms inspectors are likely to tell the Security Council Friday that Iraq has not fully cooperated with disarmament demands but refrain from saying it has failed to comply as the United States wants, diplomats said. The language used by chief inspector Hans Blix and his colleague in charge of nuclear arms, Mohamed ElBaradei, will be key in determining.. More

  • Iraqi Opposition Wants Say After Invasion

    Iraqi opposition leaders demanded Thursday that the Iraqi people be granted a greater say in the makeup of any government to replace Saddam Husseinafter a U.S.-led invasion. The exiles are furious over recent reports that the United States plans to install a U.S military-run administration and keep many lower level officials of Saddam's Baath party.. More

  • Muslim Pilgrims Start Trek Home as Haj Winds Down

    Muslim worshippers began leaving holy Islamic sites in Saudi Arabia Thursday, the fifth and final day of the haj pilgrimage which was overshadowed this year by a looming U.S.-led war on Iraq. The bulk of the two million pilgrims started trekking out of Mena, in western Saudi Arabia, for the nearby Muslim holy city of Mecca where they will perform a.. More

  • Iraq Missiles Do Not Breach U.N. Rules -Aziz

    Iraqi missiles are within the limits set by the United Nations, Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Tareq Aziz said Thursday, dismissing suggestions that Baghdad's rocket program was in breach of U.N. resolutions. "We are still within limits that are decided by the United Nations," he told reporters as he arrived in Italy for talks aimed at averting a U.S... More

  • Qatar Calls For Emergency Islamic Summit

    Qatar, which currently chairs the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), called for an emergency Islamic summit to discuss the "challenges" facing the region, the official QNA news agency reported."The state of Qatar has called for the convening of an emergency Islamic summit" to examine "the current developments and challenges" facing the region,.. More

  • UN Experts Say Iraqi Missile System Violates Rules

    HIGHLIGHTS|| Blix Invites Outside Experts to Discuss Al-Samoud and Al-Fatah Missiles|| Russia Says Report on Missile Inconclusive & Requires Further Study|| However, Development Could Fuel US UN Security Council Campaign Against Iraq|| France Circulates Proposal to Strengthen UN Inspectors|| Foreign Ministers Heading to New York forUN Security Council's.. More

  • Transatlantic Row Over Iraq Widening

    HIGHLIGHTS: || Military Build up & Anglo American Raids against Iraqi Targets Continue|| A US-Sponsored Second UN Resolution on Iraq is Being Debated With France informally Presenting Alternative Resolution|| EU Trio Again Block NATO Compromise Over Turkey|| American-European Discord Extended to Include Latest Bin Laden Tape|| Washington Still Interested.. More

  • Israeli Occupation Army Kills Three Palestinians in Clampdown

    The Israeli occupation army killed three Palestinians in a security clampdown Wednesday, and a diplomatic dispute flared with Belgium after a court revived a war crimes lawsuit against Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. Violence broke out a day after Israel sealed off the West Bank and Gaza Strip, imposing travel curbs on Palestinians marking the.. More

  • Hajj Continues After Stampede Deaths

    Muslim pilgrims stoned the Jamraat (three stone pillars symbolically representing the devil's temptation) Wednesday for a second day in the tent city of Mina just outside Mecca, a day after 14 worshippers were trampled to death during a ritual fraught with danger because of overcrowding. Chanting "Allahu Akbar," or "God is Great," pilgrims threw seven.. More

  • Experts to Destroy Banned Iraqi Weapons

    Chemical weapons experts trekked into the Iraqi desert Wednesday to destroy their first batch of prohibited Iraqi arms under the new U.N. inspections regime, 10 leftover artillery shells filled with burning, disabling mustard gas. Working with an Iraqi team, the U.N. specialists will take four or five days to eliminate the 155mm munitions at the al-Muthanna.. More

Hajj virtues