There are 17997 articles

  • U.S., U.N. Envoys Say Iraq Document Falls Short

    U.S. and U.N. diplomats have reached a preliminary conclusion that Iraq's declaration of its weapons program failed to account for all of its chemical and biological agents, the envoys and officials said on Friday.The sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said an early review of the 12,000-page declaration indicated that the document appeared.. More

  • Iran Rejects U.S. Nuclear Weapons Charges

    Iran on Friday dismissed U.S. accusations that two nuclear plants it is building could be used to make secret nuclear weapons, but American officials expressed "grave concerns" and suggested the Iranians were trying to conceal some of the facilities. Washington's worries about Iran's nuclear activities came as North Korea announced it was restarting.. More

  • Israeli Occupation army Kills More Palestinians , Hamas Vows More Resistance

    Israeli occupation troopsshot and killed two Palestinian resistance activistsin the West Bank Friday, and 30,000 supporters of the resistance group Hamas rallied in the Gaza Strip, vowing to avenge the killings of resistance menand civilians. One of the resistance activists , Tarek Abed Rabbo, was a senior field commander of Hamas's militarywing. Palestinian.. More

  • US Pacific commander in China as Iraq, North Korea issues heat up

    The commander-in-chief of the US Pacific Fleet was in Beijing for military talks taking place as the United States was grappling with the twin issues of Iraq and North Korea.Admiral Thomas Fargo's five-day visit, which opened Friday, came amid a flurry of bilateral diplomatic activity, as the United States sought Chinese help in keeping the explosive.. More

  • U.S. Has New Evidence of Iran Nuclear Program

    The United States believes Iran's nuclear weapons program has taken a disquieting move forward with the building of two large nuclear facilities, U.S. officials said on Thursday.The disclosure raises a new challenge for President Bushas he tries to head off North Korea's nuclear weapons program as well as what Washington believes is an effort to build.. More

  • Seven Palestinians, Two Israelis Die in Violence

    Seven Palestinians, five of them unarmed, and two Israeli occupation soldiers were killed in separate incidents on Thursday in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank city of Hebron, the Israeli occupation army said. Violence surged as a senior U.S. official had talks with Israeli leaders on preparations for a possible U.S. war on Iraq. Washington has sought.. More

  • Iraq Dismisses Report on Chemical Weapons Transfer

    A senior Iraqi official on Thursday dismissed as a ridiculous a U.S. newspaper report which cited officials as saying that Islamic extremists linked to al Qaeda had received a chemical weapon in Iraq. The Washington Post had quoted officials, who spoke without White House permission, as saying the information about the transfer came from a sensitive.. More

  • N.Korea Tells IAEA to Unseal Nuke Plant as IAEA Director Urges Pyongyang to Think Again

    North Korea has told the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) it wants the nuclear monitoring body to unseal and remove surveillance cameras from a nuclear plant at the center of a suspected 1990s weapons program, Kyodo news agency reported on Friday. The report, from Vienna, quoted IAEA director Mohamed ElBaradei as saying the agency had received.. More

  • U.N. Arms Experts Scrutinize Six Sites in Iraq

    Dozens of U.N. arms experts combed at least six suspect sites for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq Thursday. Experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) drove to Al Nidaa Public Company in Zafaraniyah, a suburb in southwest Baghdad. The facility, run by Iraq's Military Industrialization Commission, produces metal molds. A large portrait.. More

  • N.Korea Says Ending Nuclear Plant Freeze

    North Korea said on Thursday it would immediately end a freeze on its nuclear power plant in response to an allied decision to suspend oil aid to Pyongyang. The nuclear reactor, suspected of producing plutonium for nuclear weapons, was frozen in 1994 under the Agreed Framework with the United States. Under the pact, Pyongyang promised to scrap plans.. More

  • Israeli Occupation Troops Kill Palestinian on Way to Attack

    Israeli occupation forces killed a Palestinian resistance manin the Gaza Strip Thursday as he tried to attack an internationally illegal Jewish settlement before dawn, the occupation army and a Palestinian resistance group said. The violence accompanied growing political turmoil in Israel ahead of a January 28 election as two leading advocates of peacemaking.. More

  • Qatar, US Ink Military Pact; Inspectors Work in Iraq

    The United States signed a pact on Wednesday to upgrade military bases in Qatar that it could use in any conflict with Baghdad, as U.N. arms inspectors searched six suspect weapons sites in Iraq. The World Bank said a U.S. military attack on Iraq in the coming months could send crude oil prices soaring over DLRS. 40 a barrel. But it added that prices.. More

  • U.S. turns over boatload of Scuds to Yemen

    The United States reluctantly handed over a boatload of Scud missiles to Yemen on Wednesday after the Yemeni government promised the weapons would not end up in the hands of terrorists. After high-level talks between the two governments, the U.S. Navy was ordered by Washington to release the unflagged cargo ship, which was carrying the Scuds from North.. More

  • Kenyan Police Question Bomb Suspect's Kin

    Kenyan and Israeli investigators are questioning the brother and mother of a man believed to have bought the vehicle used in the suicide bombing of a hotel crowded with Israelis - an attack that killed more than a dozen people, Kenyan police said Wednesday. Esha Abdallah Nabhan, 50, and Mohamed Ali Saleh Nabhan, 32, were picked up on Monday after investigator.. More

  • U.N. Arms Experts Swoop on Newly Declared Iraq Site

    U.N. arms experts swooped on a newly declared site near Baghdad Wednesday, saying it was among locations disclosed by Iraq in its mammoth weapons declaration.Inspections resumed across Iraq a day after the United States threatened possible nuclear retaliation if its forces or allies were attacked with doomsday weapons. Teams of inspectors, escorted.. More

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