There are 17997 articles

  • Attack fuels tension on Lebanese-Israeli border, Gaza mother killed

    Tensions flared on the Israeli-Lebanese border after a blast wounded two Israeli occupation soldiers, while a Palestinian woman was shot dead and three of her children hit by gunfire in the Gaza Strip. Palestinian factions also appeared set to restart talks on a truce in their 26-month-old uprising ahead of Israeli elections next month that are expected.. More

  • Al Qaeda Claims Kenya Attacks, Vows More

    The al Qaeda network has claimed responsibility for attacks on an Israeli airliner and hotel in Kenya which killed 16 people and vowed even more "lethal" assaults against Israel and its chief ally, the United States. "I hereby confirm what has been issued by al Qaeda political office regarding our responsibility for the Mombasa attacks in Kenya," leading.. More

  • Iraq Arms Dossier En Route, U.S. Skepticism Deepens

    A U.N. plane left Baghdad on Sunday with a mammoth dossier which Iraq says proves it has no doomsday weapons, despite deep U.S. skepticism backed by a threat of war. The plane flew with some 12,000 documents to Cyprus, a base for the U.N. arms inspectors, where the pages were split into two batches. Some left with inspectors on a plane to Frankfurt.. More

  • Israel Faked Gaza Qaeda Presence-Palestinians

    The Palestinian Authority accused Israel's Mossad spy agency on Saturday of setting up a fake al Qaeda cell in Gaza so that Prime Minister Ariel Sharon could justify Israeli attacks in Palestinian areas. Raanan Gissin, a spokesman for Sharon, called the allegation "sheer nonsense." The Israeli leader said on Thursday Osama bin Laden's organization had.. More

  • Ivory Coast Calls for Volunteers as Rebels Advance

    Rebels pressed deeper into Ivory Coast's western cocoa growing region as the West African country's embattled government urged young men to mobilize en masse to fight an increasingly complex civil war. The emergence of new rebel factions in the west of the world's largest cocoa producer has aggravated the creeping chaos in a country of 16 million that.. More

  • Iraq Hands UN Dossier Denying It Has Banned Weapons

    Iraq handed the United Nations a huge dossier on its military programs, denying that Iraq has any banned weapons and setting the stage for a confrontation with Washington. The presentation of the report on Saturday was followed by release of a statement from Washington implying that anything short of an admission of possession represented a lie. The.. More

  • Kuwait Rejects Saddam's Apology for Invasion

    Kuwait rejected an apology by neighboring Iraq on Saturday for its 1990-1991 occupation of the Gulf Arab state and accused President Saddam Hussein of inciting terrorist attacks against U.S. troops in Kuwait. "The speech contained incitement and encouragement of terrorist acts which the whole world has rejected and condemned," the information minister.. More

  • Bangladesh Cinema Bombs Kill 15, Wound Nearly 300

    A series of near-simultaneous bomb blasts at four Bangladesh cinemas packed with families celebrating the end of the Ramadan Muslim fasting month killed 15 people on Saturday and wounded nearly 300. The bombs went off at movie theaters in and around the normally quiet tourist town of Mymenshingh, 95 miles north of the capital, at 6 p.m. About 50 of.. More

  • U.N. Searches Resume in Iraq, Arms Declaration Due

    U.N. arms experts resumed inspections in Iraq after a two-day break Saturday, just hours before the country was due to hand in a declaration on its weapons programs to meet a U.N. deadline. Two teams of inspectors left U.N. headquarters at Canal Hotel in the Iraqi capital accompanied by Iraqi officials and followed by journalists. They visited military.. More

  • US commander arrives for high-profile Gulf exercise

    The commander of US forces in the Gulf has arrived in Qatar for a high-profile military exercise as the United States moves closer to a decision whether to go to war against Iraq.Army General Tommy Franks, who heads the US Central Command, flew in Friday to this tiny emirate housing a high-tech American headquarters that would be the nerve center of.. More

  • Palestinians arrest "collaborators" posing as Al-Qaeda operatives

    Palestinian security forces have arrested a group of Palestinians for collaborating with Israel and posing as operatives of Osama bin Laden's Al-Qaedanetwork, a senior official said.The arrests come two days after Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon charged Al-Qaeda militants were operating in Gaza and in Lebanon."The Palestinian Authority arrested.. More

  • Worldwide Condemnation of Israel Over the Latest Massacre of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip

    The United States has shyly joined the United Nations and the European Union in condemning the latest Israeli massacre against Palestinian in the Bureij Refugee Camp in the Gaza Strip. Despite the criticism Washington added that Israel is entitled to what it calls self-defense. State Department spokesman, Richard Boucher who refused to comment on the.. More

  • Iraq to Hand Over Weapons Report to U.N.

    On the eve of Iraq's declaration of its weapons programs, chief U.N. inspector Hans Blix said Friday that U.N. experts will keep secret all sensitive material on nuclear, chemical and biological weapons in the massive report - even from the United States and other Security Council members. Iraqi Ambassador Mohammed Al-Douri said Friday his government.. More

  • Three Shot Dead in Venezuela as Strike Chokes Oil

    At least one gunman opened fire on a Caracas square packed with opponents of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez on Friday, killing three people as strikers trying to force a change of government cut off the world's fifth-largest source of oil exports. Shots raked the square in Caracas' wealthy Altamira district where military officers opposed to the leftist.. More

  • Israeli Occupation forces Kill 10 Palestinians in Gaza

    Israeli occupation troops backed by tanks and helicopters swept into Gaza Strip's Bureij refugee camp Friday, provoking a gunbattle and killing 10 people, Palestinian witnesses and medics said. The occupation armysaid thetroops met fierce resistance in the three-hour incursion, which it said was intended to root out resistance men responsible for attacks.. More

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