It was narrated that when the verse in which Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {And warn, [O Muhammad], your closest kindred} [Quran 26: 214] was revealed, the Prophet
ascended the mountain of As-Safa and started calling: “O Banu Ka‘b ibn Lu’ayy, save yourselves from Hell. O Banu Murrah ibn Ka‘b, save yourselves from Hell. O Banu ‘Abd Shams, save yourselves from Hell. O Banu ‘Abd Manaaf, save yourselves from Hell. O Banu Haashim, save yourselves from Hell. O Banu ‘Abdul Muttalib, save yourselves from Hell. O Faatimah, save yourself from Hell. I cannot do anything to protect you from the Punishment of Allah." [Muslim]
It was truly an awe–inspiring warning with which the Prophet
started his call. Such a warning strikes the hearts before the ears to awaken them to return to their Lord and Creator and start the journey to bliss and happiness of both worlds. This is realized when the hearts know the role for which humans have been created and therefore they live by Allah The Almighty, for Allah The Almighty, and with Allah The Almighty. This is the right way that should be adopted by all those who want to move to Allah The Almighty. One's first step on this blessed way should be seeking the provision of fearing the One Who knows the Unseen.
The journey to Allah The Almighty needs hearts, not bodies. A heart that is still heedless and tied to the shackles of disobedience cannot move towards Allah The Almighty. How can such a heart move to Allah The Almighty while it is tied to its desires? How can a heart yearn to enter upon Allah The Almighty while it is impure with heedlessness?
Therefore, the one who seeks salvation needs high spiritual energy which frees him from the restrictions of these shackles. Thus, the heart is released and moves freely to Allah The Almighty with a high morale and vigor. The best motive for this energy is the fear of Allah, the Great and the Noble. This is the belief adopted by Ibraaheem Ash-Shaybaani
as he said, "When the fear of Allah inhabits the heart, it burns the sources of desires and expels ambition in this worldly life." [Shu‘ab Al-Eemaan by Al-Bayhaqi]
This is the principle inherited from the best human being, the Prophet
as he directed us to this saying: "The one who fears (the attack of enemies) sets out in the first part of the night, and the one sets out early will surely reach his destination. Lo, the commodity of Allah is precious. Verily, the commodity of Allah is Paradise." [Al-Albaani: Saheeh]
Do you want salvation?
My brother, do you want salvation? Do you want to be secure on the Day of Resurrection when people will be afraid? Do you want to win Paradise when the losers will fail to achieve it? You have to fear Allah, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of existence. Here is Allah The Almighty who gives you glad tidings and warns you at the same time. In a Hadeeth Qudsi (sacred narration), the Prophet
narrated that Allah The Almighty Says: "By my might, I shall not combine in my slave two fears and two securities, for, if he fears me in this world, I shall make him secure on the Day of Resurrection; and if he feels secure about me (does not fear me) in this world, I shall terrify him on the Day of Resurrection." [Al-Albaani: Saheeh]
Then comes this Prophetic promise for all those who fear Allah The Almighty, as the Prophet
said: "The one who weeps out of fear of Allah will not enter Hell until the milk returns back into the udder." [Al-Albaani: Saheeh]
While there will be only one garden for the believer in the Hereafter, Allah The Almighty has prepared for His slaves whose hearts tremble out of fear of Him two gardens. Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {But for he who has feared the position of his Lord are two gardens.} [Quran 55: 46]
Rejoice, O you who fear Allah and have faith. Listen to Mujaahid
describing the slave who fears Allah The Almighty by saying, "He is the man who decides to commit a sin and then remembers his questioning before Allah The Almighty and he, thus, abandons it. For him there will be two gardens." [Tafseer At-Tabari]