Repentance in Ramadan: If Not Now, then When? - II

Repentance in Ramadan: If Not Now, then When? - II

Let me ask you a question: What prevents you from repentance and following the way of rectitude? Perhaps your reply would be, ‘It is family, society and friends. I fear I may repent and then return to my sinful ways once again. My sins are numerous, how can I ever be forgiven? I feel afraid for my family and property.’

In reply, let me say, ‘Do you think you will say the same in the presence of your Lord when you meet Him? Of course not! These are but illusive obstacles and hurdles which can be destroyed only by the one who fears his Lord.’
A renowned Arab poet Al-Mutanabbi said in one of his poems, ‘If the souls are great, the bodies suffer to meet their supreme goals.’
So, be a person of honor with your religion, and have true determination to do good persistently, and rely on Him The Almighty, and remember your Lord's mercy and extensive forgiveness.
If the angel of death comes to you at this moment, would you accept to meet your Lord in the very state you are in?
Do not flee from bringing yourself to account. Unless you bring it to account today, then tomorrow in your grave, you will show regret when it will be of no benefit to you.
New birth
Repentance is not specific to the month of Ramadan only, but is common to other months as well. Perhaps you will experience a new birth in this month of goodness and blessings. Man is born twice: on the day he comes out of the darkness of his mother's womb into the light of this world, and on the day he comes out of the darkness of disobedience into the light of obedience. So, be determined to make a fresh start this Ramadan.
Stay in the company of righteous people who will benefit you by the permission of Allah The Almighty, even after your death, by their supplication for you.  Be patient with them until you meet your Lord, where it will be said to you and them (what means): {'Peace be upon you for what you patiently endured. And excellent is the final home.'} [Quran 13:24]
A story and an incident
A person we know used to keep good company, but before long he left them and started becoming negligent of his religious obligations. One day, he set out on a picnic, and on the way, his car turned over. He was taken to intensive care and died there.
We received the sad news of his death, and performed the funeral prayer over his dead body, which was then carried and interred into the grave with bricks and dust over it – never to return. Then, a righteous man – and I do not praise anyone before Allah The Almighty – sat by the side of his grave, lowering his head and supplicating for him, and I think he was his dearest friend. At that moment, I came to know who would benefit one from among his friends after his death.
Beware lest you would be one of those in connection with whom Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {And the Day the wrongdoer will bite on his hands [in regret] he will say, "Oh, I wish I had taken with the Messenger a way. Oh, woe to me! I wish I had not taken that one as a friend. He led me away from the remembrance after it had come to me. And ever is Satan, to man, a deserter."} [Quran 25:27-29]
Before the door is closed
Before the door is closed, determine now, without delay, the way to follow in the world and the Hereafter.
The heart receives great happiness and joy when one returns to his Lord regretful, and joins the procession of the righteous. It is the happiness tasted only by the one who tries it.
If you decide to repent, turn to your Lord and humble yourself to Him, know then that your repentance must meet the following conditions:
1-    To show regret for what has passed.
2-    To give up the sin.
3-    To decide not to return to it. If you return to it, then, repent once again to Allah The Almighty, but be true to your determination.
4-    To repent before the last throes of death and before the sun rises from its setting place.


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