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There are 782 articles

  • Women's liberation through Islam -I

    Today people think that women are liberated in the West and that the women's liberation movement began in the 20th century. Actually, the women's liberation movement was not begun by women but was revealed by Allah (God) to a man in the seventh century by the name of Muhammad  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allaah exalt his mention ). The Quran and the Traditions of the Prophet,.. More

  • What I tell my daughter about me

    BY MICHELLE AL-NASR You know, over the years that I have written for Al-Jumuah, there’s one thing I’ve always wanted to talk about. I have hesitated because it’s kind of a sensitive subject. But, I really want to talk about this; I really want to be heard here. Why? Because it is important to me that fellow brothers and sisters in.. More

  • Moms who love too little

    BY NASIHA AHMAD The bond that a mother, especially a new mother, shares with her child is unparalleled. Most moms live and breathe according to their child’s needs, demands and wants. New moms get little to no sleep and they nibble on bites of anything they can get their bands on, having no time for true meals at a dinner table with silverware... More

  • Love Alone Cannot Render a Mother’s Relationship with her Teenage Daughter Successful

    Is it enough for a mother to love her daughter and fear for her without taking any positive action? Should not care and love turn into two keys opening to conscious behavior and a positive relationship between them? What do educationalists, psychologists, and scholars of Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) say about the stage of adolescence and the role of.. More

  • Help your loved ones stop smoking

    A fifth of the world's population is Muslim, and most Muslims live in areas where the prevalence of smoking is high and increasing by the day. According to statistics, it is estimated that out of the five million people who die due to smoking related causes every year, one million are Muslims. Yet, thanks to media influences and advertising,which erroneously.. More

  • Memoir of an Immigrant Muslim Woman in the West

    Here in the United States, I feel I have become closer to Allah The Almighty; and I thank Him for that, as I ask Him to make us all steadfast on His path. Among the many reasons for this intimacy is the estrangement that has led me to know, with certainty, that there is no one but Allah, to resort to, amidst the Jews and Christians. It is also out of.. More

  • When silence is not golden

    BY Nasiha Ahmad When someone says something mean to us, we are told that we should ‘turn the other cheek’. When we are angry and burn to say something mean to someone, we are told that if we don’t have something nice to say, we shouldn’t say anything at all. We are taught to bite our lips and hold our tongues whenever we feel.. More

  • The phenomenon of spinsterhood

    One of the main reasons for the spread of this phenomenon is that some parents oppressively prevent their daughters from marrying suitable young men, despite the fact that the Prophet,sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, said: "If a man whose religion and manners you approve of comes to you (proposing to your daughter), then give her in marriage to him,.. More

  • The Under-Twenty Clinic: Menarche

    Many girls suffer from pre-menstrual syndrome, yet feel shy if their mothers or sisters know of the onset of their period and the pain that accompanies it. The reaction of each girl to her first menstruation differs according to the amount of knowledge she has regarding it beforehand. So, what are these reactions and how can she overcome menstrual problems? .. More

  • Don't shop 'til you drop

    You know who you are. You swing by Target on your way home from dropping the kids off to school. You have got the date of Nordstrom's Half Yearly sale marked on your calendar. Many of the mall store owners and workers recognize you and wave as you rush by. Yeah, you know who you are. How much of your day is spent shopping or how many days out of the.. More

  • Spinsterhood: A crisis for women and the society

    An important report issued by the Central Bureau for Public Census and Statistics revealed that there are four million women in Egypt over the age of thirty, who have never been married. This is especially a cause for concern, as their future is bleak, considering that a great proportion of them are uneducated and have no source of livelihood other.. More

  • France and the Hijab - people who keep themselves pure!

    The people of Loote, may Allah exalt his mention, would practice homosexuality and considered this to be the norm while they considered purity to be the exception. Hence, they fought purity and those who called for it, at the forefront of whom was Prophet Loote, may Allah exalt his mention. The one who would help them in their struggle against purity.. More

  • Hijab preserves the hair

    Some beauticians began a rumor which coincided with the spread of the Islamic dress. They claimed that Hijab is one of the main reasons behind hair falling out and distortion of the woman’s beauty. This claim is scientifically refuted by two doctors. Dr. Mayy As-Samaahi, professor of Cosmetic Medicine at Ain Shams University, confirmed that.. More

  • The great trial of Maryam

    The most significant ordeal that Maryam – the ascetic, devout, celibate worshipper – may Allah exalt her mention, endured was receiving the news from Allah The Almighty that she would beget a child, even though she had no husband. In her own defense, she stated: {How can I have a boy while no man has touched me and I have not been unchaste?"}.. More

  • Hijab causes seven Americans to embrace Islam

    The primary cause of his embracing Islam was the Hijab of an American Muslim student, who was proud of her religion and her Hijab. Two more university professors as well as four students then embraced Islam. The Hijab was the direct reason behind the Islam of those eight people, who later became callers to this religion. I will not make a long introduction.. More