A person with urinary incontinence reading Quran and entering the mosque
Fatwa No: 165117


Assalam O Alaykum, I have urine incontinence problem. I use tissue paper as absorbent after urination. I use to remove it after 30-40 minutes as no more drops come out. I can then perform wadoo for visiting mosque for Salaat. Based on my condition I have some questions: 1. Can I recite Al Quraan (memorized surah like Yaseen) with low voice spcially during travelling when i can't remove absorber; 2. Can I stay in the mosque with absorbent-in other words can I perform Itkaf during the holy month of Ramadan. And similarly can I go for tableegh as one has to stay in the mosque for days such as three day. And it will be difficult for me to remain outside mosque every time after urination. I hope you have now full understanding of my problem. Jazaka-Allah


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.

It is permissible for you to recite whatever you wish of the Quran while in that condition as it is not a condition to be in a state of ablution or pure from impurities [on your body and clothes] to read the Quran. Also, it is permissible for you to stay in the mosque for a need even if you are stained with impurity if you are sure that you will not pollute the mosque with it.

Haashiyatu Ash-Shirwaani, a Shafi’i book of Fiqh, reads: “It is forbidden for someone to enter [i.e. the mosque] with an impurity on his clothes or shoes whether or not the impurity is wet if he fears to pollute the mosque, otherwise no. The same thing applies if his entering is without a need.”

For more benefit, please refer to Fataawa 87992, 82085and 163887.

Allaah Knows best.

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