His parents do not let him marry in a non-Muslim country
Fatwa No: 179241


Assalomu A`laykum va Rohmatullohu va Barokatuh. I`m in abroad and in difficult state now. In a state that I can make adultery(zina). I`m not married yet, so I`d like to marry but my parents against my marrige in abroad. I can`t go back and marry as well, beacause I don`t have money for marrige. That`s why I`m working in abroad now. My parents would like me to marry to someone from my country. As Islamic rules I can marry in abroad and in my own country as well to the girl which my parents are going to choose for me. But they said that I will marry to only one girl that they`ll choose for me. I don`t want make them disappointed and sad, and I don`t want make sexual intercaurse(zina) as well. So what should I do? Your respond whith evidenses are highly appreciated. My Allah bless you(jazakaloohu khoyr)!


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds.  I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, is His slave and Messenger.

There is no doubt that the parents have a great status and that they have a great right on their children. Being kind to them and obeying them are among the most important obligations, so whenever their children can gain their pleasure, they should do so.

Therefore, if you can find a way to marry someone from your country and bring her to stay with you, then this is good, because by doing so you will combine between two benefits, we mean the benefit of fulfilling the desire of your parents and the benefit of keeping yourself chaste.

Nonetheless, if there is no other way than marrying someone from the country in which you reside now, then you should endeavor to convince your parents to agree that you marry in that country. Also, you should supplicate Allaah as much as possible to facilitate for you to convince them. In this regard, you may seek the help of whomever you think may influence them.

If they are convinced, praise be to Allaah, otherwise if they have no reason for refusing other than the fact that the girl is from another country, then you may get married even without their consent especially that you mentioned that you fear temptation if you do not get married in the country where you work now. Then, you should try your best to please them. For more benefit, please refer to Fatwa 90079.

Finally, it should be mentioned that you should be keen on marrying a religious woman pursuant to the saying of the Prophet : “Choose the religious one, you will prosper.”

Also, you should perform the Istikhaarah prayer about marriage; this is clarified in Fatwa 81434.

Allaah Knows best.

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