She has doubts that she has stress urinary incontinence
Fatwa No: 181165


salam my problem is sometimes when i laugh or do certain activity which require a bit of strain, i feel as if i am urinating. let me tell you one thing more, i have a very old psychiatric problem so these feelings may be not real. and even if i am urinating, it would be due to the same psychiatric problem. assuming if i am urinating really, then will my salaat be acceptable? also tell me if i can carry Quran in my hands. my mind says that prayers are acceptable when someone has any disease. but my doctor has prescribed me medicine and exercise. i take medicines but don't exercise, so this leniency regarding acceptance of prayers will also be for me? because i think i am not treating my disorder well (that's why these feelings are coming to me).


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds.  I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, is His slave and Messenger.

What we understand from your question is that you are not certain that any discharges come out of you. If this is the case, then, in principle, your purity is not invalidated as it cannot be ruled that your purity is invalidated except with certainty because certainty (that you are pure) cannot be overruled by mere doubt.

Therefore, if you feel that you have any discharges and this was just a doubt or Waswaas (insinuating whispers of the devil), then you should not take heed to this doubt and your prayer in this condition is valid, and you are permitted to touch the Mus-haf (the Arabic text of the Quran) and the like.

On the other hand, if you are absolutely certain that you had any discharges to a point that you are ready to swear that something [any urine] has come out of you, then in this case, you should perform ablution again after purifying your body and your clothes of any urine stain.

Finally, we advise you to act upon the advice of the doctors and continue the treatment hoping that Allaah will cure you from this illness out of His Favor and Kindness.

Allaah Knows best.

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