Reluctant to inform his parents that he married a Muslim convert
Fatwa No: 89650


I am student here in India. I got married after my wife she converts to Islam, and still now my parents they don't know. I want to know if this is wrong? But any way Inshaa Allaah, I am going to inform them very soon. Because that time if I said to them anything may be they will reject but I fell I did something good to let someone to convert to Islam after. Please let me know.


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. We ask Allaah to exalt his mention as well as that of his family and all his companions.


There is no doubt that seeking the advice of the parents in marriage is better than hiding it from them because when you consult them it is a sign of righteousness, piety and obedience to them. Moreover, the parents are generally concerned about the welfare of their children.

However, if your marriage to this woman fulfilled the conditions of a correct marriage, like the consent of the two spouses, the presence of the guardian of your wife and the two witnesses, the woman being a Muslim or from the People of the Book, then the marriage is correct. Thus you have to inform your parents about this. If they both or one of them is angry and displeased about you, then it is an obligation on you to seek their pleasure and endeavour to achieve their good will. Fulfilling the rights of the parents is one of the greatest rights after the right of Allaah and the right of His Prophet .

Finally, we ask Allaah to greatly reward you for calling this woman to Islam.

Allaah knows best.

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