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484 fatwas

  • Can a daughter privately contact her husband if her parents forbid it because of an argument?

    Ruling on parents not allowing their daughter to talk to her husband when she is at the parents house because they had an argument and she came to her parents house but they told her to not talk to him is it haram for her to talk to him behind parents because she doesn’t want him to think she doesn’t care about him and she only wants the issue.. More

  • Limits of obeying parents

    Asslaum Aleikum I am a disabled woman and when I call up my parents as an adult they say hurtful things to me on purpose. Then they say they want to take me to a hospital where they live but when I used to be with them in the car they would unislamic things and say mean things to me and i would find it hard to breathe. Is it bad to disobey them and.. More

  • Promised his parents not to watch something haram but ended up doing it, is he obliged to apologize to them?

    If someone promised parents not to watch something haram but they ended up doing so, are they obliged to apologize to parents? Or would that be exposing their sins? What if they are scared of being yelled at by them. .. More

  • Obeying parents is an obligation if there is a benefit for parents and no hardship on children

    As Salam Alaykum Shaikh, Recently a person I know who is 18 years old male was abused and insulted by his family because they came to know that the person walks 10 mins to reach the masjid which is about 750 meters, they made him bursts in to tears in they way they abused him, they threatened and made a conclusion that if you want to pray, pray in the.. More

  • Ruling on giving charity to disbelievers

    Asalaam aleykum. first i want to thank you for the quick response to my previous question regarding Riba. may Allah increase you in knowledge and grant you long life so that you continue to help us. amin. i have questions about Relating to non - muslims. 1st, i have been giving sadaqah to a poor family that claim to be muslims, but they no longer offer.. More

  • Wants to marry a girl but is afraid his parents may not agree

    Assalam U AlaikumI know a girl who is facing domestic abuse, and the only way to save her is to marry her. However, my parents aren't happy with this decision. They will accept it if I try to convince them, but they won't be happy with it. What would be more pleasing to Allah SWT, saving this girl or pleasing my parents?Jazak Allah .. More

  • How to deal with an immoral father?

    My father told me has girlfriends and he also pays prostitutes for services. My mother knows this but she says that she will never divorce or separate from him because he provides financial support. I saw my dad raping a girl that visited the house and now she is in mental institute. My dad drinks alcohol and beats my mom. My mom still does nothing... More

  • Should he cut off ties with his father who is opposed to his becoming righteous?

    My father hates me because i don't look at women and wear my trousers above my ankles.The former affects my grades and I fear that he might beat me up and it only gets worse because the teachers tell him.i am 15 should i leave my home and country to live somewhere else although i have no money i live in germany. .. More

  • Doing What Benefits Parents and Refraining from Raising Voice Is Not Sufficient

    PLEASE DONT TELL ME TO SHORTEN MY QUESTION YOU ALWAYS DO THIS. What does it mean to be excellent to the parents. Like if we just do what benefits them and refrain from raising our voice to them is this enough. Like do we need to be extra kind and extra soft with them in order to avoid getting sin. .. More

  • Parents forcing their children into a marriage

    Salam aleikum . I had an discussion the other day with a friend who Said that we as parents have to chose spouses to our children bcz the sahabas never let their children ( especially if they were virgins ) to chose their husband / wife alone but that the parents have to do it , while me on the other hand i want to let my children chose their husbands.. More

  • Correct approach to give advice to parents

    Assalamualaikum My mother has a tendency to criticize everything I or my father do and easily gets mad when things aren’t done her way. I know she means well but her delivery is harsh. This has lead to a lot of arguments, in the end usually I ended up apologizing. But yesterday I tried my best to tell her how I feel about it, and her response wasn’t.. More

  • Marrying a Hindu Girl who Might Become a Muslim

    Asalamu alaykum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuh.I am 26 old I am in love with a Hindu girl from past 6 yrs she is ready to revert into Islam also she believes in Islam we also have plans to get married. She is eager to learn all the Islamic principles and roles very soon In Sha Allah. Q. I tried to convince my family for this inter caste marriage but.. More

  • Responsibilities of an illegitimate child toward his father

    Asalamu alaykum, my parents committed zina and got me , they later on got married n divorced in a very short period, neither of them took up the responsibility of my care . I was left with my grandma who did an excellent job caring for me, years later I am the one caring for my parents, my question is , is it my responsibility to do so , especially.. More

  • Dutifulness to parents

    Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu! I have a question... I am preparing to register to a madrasah and it will be far away from our country or maybe far away from our place... and my mother is against it not becuase she does not want to but becuase she is worried about my life after graduating since they have limited offers in job, but I still.. More

  • Limits of Obeying Parents

    I got a job in a nearby town to my current town where I am required to use my motorcycle. My parents are saying that you should not travel there by the motorcycle. I do not have any Job to earn and I am in need of money and need to pay a loan.I do not want to falsify my promise to the new employer and neither be disrectful to my parents.Plz suggestJazak.. More