There are 240 articles

  • And Their Father Had Been Righteous

    By Islamweb Raising children is a significant responsibility borne by parents. Allah has mandated this duty and called parents to it in the Quran, where He states: “O you who have believed, protect yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is people and stones, over which are [appointed] angels, harsh and severe; they do not disobey.. More

  • Enduring what your child enjoys

    When Allah the Almighty bestows upon someone the blessing of children, He in fact has conferred the best worldly adornment upon him, especially if those children are healthy and lively like all normal children. It is a great pleasure for us to see them grow day by day and we are always eager to observe their every next development. Today, the teeth.. More

  • Considering the individual differences between family members

    When Allah the Almighty created all things and gave them of His bounties, they came to be different from each other. Allah the Almighty mentions that difference in the Quran (what means): {And [We] have raised some of them above others in degrees [of rank]} [Quran 43:32] This excelling may be related to physical skill, depth of knowledge, intellectual.. More

  • Early childhood: the best period to build faith

    The early years — we do not exaggerate if we say the early moments — of the child’s life are the best and most important periods to build up the aspects of faith in the child and instill the creed of Tawheed (Islamic Monotheism) and knowing Allah, the Almighty, in him. Therefore, the Prophetinstructed Muslims to let the words of the.. More

  • How to inculcate effective leadership skills in your child

    While growing up, leaders are greatly influenced by the sayings and actions of their families. Undoubtedly, everything we say and do impacts our children; they copy our behaviors, and even follow our actions and gestures because we are their role models when it comes to human relationships and interactions. We provide guidance to our children by showing.. More

  • Social system in Islam - II

    The unique feature of Islam: Islam was born with the unique feature of amalgamating the secular with religious, the worldly with the other-worldly, and with a clear approach to socio-economic affairs and with a well-defined administrative system. The famous Italian orientalist and prominent scholar of Islamic studies, Dr. Laura Veccia Vaglieri,.. More

  • Social system in Islam - I

    Four categories of rights and obligations in man’s life: It is an established fact that Islam is a comprehensive way of life, a complete guidance for the whole of mankind covering all aspects of life. Islamic law (Sharee‘ah) is not confined only to civil and criminal matters, but covers every aspect of life. The moral aspect, physical,.. More

  • Social Media: platforms for triviality and frivolity

    The “digital explosion,” the increasing rise of Internet users, and the striving to achieve the highest number of views and click-through rates by chasing after intriguing scoops and mass viewing and accordingly maximizing the profits and maintain the monopoly of scocial-media market. This greed for profits and the competition to hold the.. More

  • Cyberbullying and its effects on children

    Cyberbullying and its effects on children With the tremendous development of technology, especially the social media platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp Twitter, Instagram…etc., and its rapid spread among children and teenagers around the world, the rate of cyberbullying has increased accordingly, especially with the emergence of diverse applications.. More

  • The Effects of electronic games on children and adolescents

    At the beginning of the Eighties, the remarkable advances in science and technology and computer use gave rise to electronic games (e-games), and they became everyone’s center of attention very soon. By the turn of the century, e-games had become a widely spread model for entertainment different from all the recreational games that predated.. More

  • Beware of Celebrity-Endorsed Advertisements on Social Media

    We all know that advertising is a means of communication to promote a product or service through a paid specialized agency. Previously, advertisements had limited reach as advertisers had only a few media channels at their disposal: newspapers, radio, or television, but now the emergence of new media, represented in computers, the Internet, and social.. More

  • Media and the Three Filters

    By: Haani Al-Ghafeeli Hundreds and sometimes thousands of news items and posts reach our mobile phones on a daily basis via WhatsApp, and the same goes for the tweets on our Twitter accounts, the abundant e-mails, the endless video clips on Snapchat, and similar ones on Facebook and Path pages. I can fairly say that we are living in an era of massive.. More

  • Jealousy in Children

    Childhood is the very first brick in building our personalities and the strong foundation that supports the healthy development of the rest of the stages of our lives, to produce balanced ideal personalities that are able to face the future problems and lead well-balanced and stable lives. Our children today experience different and complex feelings.. More

  • Precursors to divorce

    A marriage naturally starts with good intentions and big dreams, as the couple dream of building a happy family and having children through whom they fulfill the feelings of motherhood and fatherhood. Each of them sees in their new relationship an independent life that is full of happiness and fulfillment of wishes. However, stormy problems, sometimes.. More

  • Building the Man of the Future

    Author: Dr. Lateefah Shaaheen An-Nu‘aymi Excessive playing of video games and spending long hours in front of screens during home quarantine doubled the fears of families regarding the health hazards and psychological damage resulting from addiction of video games – whose popularity generates huge profits for the biggest companies in the.. More