There are 54 articles

  • Boredom of life

    The reasons for antipathy and hatred toward the worldly life are varied. Some people dislike this transient life out of their desire for the reward from Allah Almighty and love to meet Him. Hence, one of the righteous predecessors said: "The gift of a believer is death." Such a person detests the worldly life because his life is attached to.. More

  • Do not waste your time!

    Both the Quran and the Sunnah emphasize the importance of time in the life of a Muslim. Allah swears at the beginning of many Soorahs (Chapters) by time or moments in time, for example, Allah Says (what means): “By the dawn and the ten nights (i.e. the first ten days of the month of Thul-Hijjah)...” [Quran 89: 1-2] Allah also Says (what.. More

  • Three Steps to a Happy Life

    Happiness is the universal goal of people from all walks of life – be they philosophers of a high intellectual caliber or unlettered laborers -- everyone strives in search of happiness and looks for ways to escape the worries of life. However, most people achieve only partial or superficial happiness, which provides temporary relief from their.. More

  • Follow their Footprints

    There have been people who insisted on leaving their imprints on life, and this is why history has immortalized their mention. They formed the civilization of their Ummah (nation); their renaissance became a source of goodness and light for the entire world, and they were the lanterns which lit the way for the West during their age of darkness. Al-Hasan.. More

  • Perfecting our character

    Having good morals and manners is an essential requisite of our faith—and that takes much thought and effort. The Beloved Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam (may Allah exalt his mention), said: “The best amongst you are the best in character and manners.” (Al-Bukhari) Improving our character, however, is not at.. More

  • How to handle burdens

    We all have stress and burdens in our daily lives. Whether it is school or work or just the trials of life, we carry much on our shoulders. Some of us carry our own loads and some of us carry loads that we share with others, such as health problems, personal family issues, financial dilemmas, marital discord, employment troubles, and the list could.. More

  • Good nutrition: No need for medicine

    Nutrition is one of the most influential factors in growth. The kinds of nutrients that one consumes during childhood affect the physical structure for the rest of one's life, either positively or negatively. Malnutrition does not only mean lack of food, but it also means consuming poor nutrients. In other words, malnutrition means imbalance between.. More

  • A Summer Reminder

    Allah Almighty reminds His slaves of the heat of Hell by making them experience very high temperatures during the summer. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam informed us that Hell has two breaths: it inhales during our winter and exhales during our summer; he sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam also stated that the extreme heat people experience during.. More

  • False Monasticism - II

    Shaykh Yoosuf said, “Mu‘aath, there are other proofs from the Quran and Sunnah (Prophetic tradition) which prove what I said. Allah The Almighty says (what means): { Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority.} [Quran 2:30] Allah The Almighty enjoined the believers to be a successive authority on earth by inhabiting it in.. More

  • False Monasticism - I

    The Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: "This life is cursed; cursed is everything in it except remembrance of Allah and what is relevant to that, or a scholar, or a learner." Mu‘aath read this Hadeeth (narration) on Thursday morning while turning the pages of a book. He was terrified by what he saw and read,.. More

  • Points to Ponder for Smokers

    If you ask any smoker why he smokes, you would receive many different answers, such as • "I smoke because it relieves depression" • "I smoke because it eases the stress of my family problems". • "I smoke when I'm out with my friends to have fun." • "Smoking helps me forget my work-related worries.. More

  • How Do You Face Good and Bad Times?

    The more one ponders over the apparent and hidden favours from Allah The Almighty upon him, the more he will realise that his Lord has granted him abundant blessings and protected him from a number of evils; this will certainly remove grief and anxiety and bring happiness and contentment.Thus, take heed of the advice of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi.. More

  • Following the Salaf in Taking Ourselves to Account

    Our Salaf (righteous predecessors), may Allah have mercy upon them, would admonish themselves and hold themselves to account, while we on the other hand, who are far worthier of such reproach, are utterly heedless of this, despite committing actions that are destructive and despite being afflicted with diseases of the heart and soul that require major.. More

  • Handling the Pain in Our Neck

    We all have stresses and burdens in our daily lives. Whether it is school or work or just the trials of life, we carry much on our shoulders. Some of us carry our own loads and some of us carry loads that we share with others health problems, personal family issues, financial dilemmas, marital discord, employment troubles, and the list could go on... More

  • A Gleam on the Way

    How effective was the first generation of the Ummah (Islamic Nation)? What is the importance of positivity in the life of a Muslim? How has the Quran recorded this effectiveness? These are important and serious questions about the value of positivity and effectiveness and what they represented in the life of the youth who established the civilization.. More