There are 2024 articles

  • The Muslim's attitude towards Valentine's Day

    The Muslim's attitude towards this holiday should be clear: 1- A Muslim should not celebrate this pagan festival, or join others in their celebrations of it, or attend their celebrations because it is forbidden to celebrate the festivals of non-Muslims. Ath-Thahabi  may  Allaah  have  mercy  upon  him said: "If the Christians have a festival and.. More

  • Celebrating Valentine's Day

    Allah has chosen for us Islam as our religion and He will not accept any other religion from anyone, as He Almighty Says (what means):{And whoever desires other than Islam as religion - never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers}[Quran 3:85] Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam told us that some.. More

  • Causes of deviation and turning away from truth

    • Author: Abu ‘Abdur-Rahmaan Al-Idreesi – Truth has signs that guide its seekers to it and paths that they travel to reach it. Likewise, falsehood also has twisted paths that lead to it and routes that end in its swamps, as mirrored in the following Hadeeth: “The Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi.. More

  • The Effects of electronic games on children and adolescents

    At the beginning of the Eighties, the remarkable advances in science and technology and computer use gave rise to electronic games (e-games), and they became everyone’s center of attention very soon. By the turn of the century, e-games had become a widely spread model for entertainment different from all the recreational games that predated.. More

  • Practical steps to help lower the gaze

    Here are some practical steps to control your gaze: 1- First, let us agree upon an issue that greatly affects the way you control your gaze, namely, the issue of the relativity of beauty. The criteria of beauty vary from one person to another and from one sensibility to another. For example, you may like certain clothes and consider them the most.. More

  • The Quran is the Speech of Allah

    The Noble Quran is the eternal miracle of the Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, because all the miracles of the Prophets, may Allaah exalt their mention, ended with their death, except our Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, whose miracle is still preserved. This everlasting miracle is The Book of Allah and His Revealed Speech that.. More

  • The Master of Memorizers: Abu Hurayrah

    He is the honorable Companion Abu Hurayrah, may Allaah be pleased with him. Before embracing Islam, he was called ‘Abd Shams (slave of the sun). After he embraced Islam, the Prophet, sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam, called him ‘Abdur-Rahman (slave of the Most-Merciful) and gave him the nickname of Abu Hurayrah (father of kitten). There is.. More

  • Beware of Celebrity-Endorsed Advertisements on Social Media

    We all know that advertising is a means of communication to promote a product or service through a paid specialized agency. Previously, advertisements had limited reach as advertisers had only a few media channels at their disposal: newspapers, radio, or television, but now the emergence of new media, represented in computers, the Internet, and social.. More

  • Gaining Victory through the Weak Is an Unforgettable Arrow and an Unfailing Promise

    Praise be to Allah and may peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah. Seeking victory (Nusrah) means asking Allah for victory and support. The means by which victory can be achieved are of two kinds: First kind: Tangible material means. This is the kind referred to in the Saying of Allah, The Exalted (which means): {And prepare against them.. More

  • Media and the Three Filters

    By: Haani Al-Ghafeeli Hundreds and sometimes thousands of news items and posts reach our mobile phones on a daily basis via WhatsApp, and the same goes for the tweets on our Twitter accounts, the abundant e-mails, the endless video clips on Snapchat, and similar ones on Facebook and Path pages. I can fairly say that we are living in an era of massive.. More

  • Engage in Dialogue before You Argue

    We were sitting together, as we do every Saturday, with our voices echoing throughout the house when my father interrupted our usual banters with his serious high-pitched voice, saying: “I would like to make an announcement that is very important for all of us, and I would like to listen to your suggestions on the matter afterward.” He added:.. More

  • Jealousy in Children

    Childhood is the very first brick in building our personalities and the strong foundation that supports the healthy development of the rest of the stages of our lives, to produce balanced ideal personalities that are able to face the future problems and lead well-balanced and stable lives. Our children today experience different and complex feelings.. More

  • The gravity of accessing doubters’ websites

    By:Badr Ad-Deen Araaq – One of the most prominent features of our present time is the easy access to information, thanks to the modern means of communication that have helped us overcome many obstacles and made easy what was once difficult. Sadly, many Muslim youths are being hit by an avalanche of websites and web portals that promote.. More

  • Precursors to divorce

    A marriage naturally starts with good intentions and big dreams, as the couple dream of building a happy family and having children through whom they fulfill the feelings of motherhood and fatherhood. Each of them sees in their new relationship an independent life that is full of happiness and fulfillment of wishes. However, stormy problems, sometimes.. More

  • Adhering to good manners in dealing with opponents

    By:Yaasir ‘Abdut-Tawwaab Praise be to Allah and may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon the Messenger of Allah. A fair caller to Allah (Da‘ee)must adhere to good manners while dealing with the opponents and patiently accept their criticism which could very well be unfair. Even if those opponents have disobeyed Allah, the Almighty,.. More