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  2. Current Affairs

There are 846 articles

  • What’s behind the protests in Turkey?

    Turkey has been at the center of global media attention due to protests across the country in recent weeks. Demonstrators have expressed frustration with policies of the ruling party, which led to clashes with police in Istanbul's Gezi Park adjacent to the city's Taksim Square. Al Jazeera's Jamal El Shayyal sat down with Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet.. More

  • Ban on Palestinians living with spouses in Israel

    When Israeli Arabs search for a spouse, they don't just worry about looks, job prospects or future in-laws. They must think about whether their partner will be allowed to live with them. The problem is — many Israeli Arabs, who are ethnically Palestinians, want to marry Palestinians from the West Bank or Gaza Strip. But relations between the.. More

  • The return to Iqrit

    A dream long nurtured by hundreds of thousands of Palestinians made refugees during the establishment of the state of Israel has become a concrete reality at a small makeshift camp atop a windswept hill. A dozen young men have set up the camp at a site in the Upper Galilee from which their grandparents were expelled more than six decades ago. Today,.. More

  • Malnutrition stunts millions of lives: UNICEF

    Some 165 million children worldwide are stunted by malnutrition as babies and face a future of ill health, poor education, low earnings and poverty, the head of the United Nations children's fund said on Friday. Anthony Lake, executive director of UNICEF, told Reuters the problem of malnutrition is vastly under-appreciated, largely because poor nutrition.. More

  • UK urged to speed up detainee torture probes

    The UN torture watchdog has called on the UK to widen and speed up investigations into allegations that British forces tortured detainees in Iraq and Afghanistan and prosecute those responsible. British inquiries into alleged abuses by its forces in Iraq since the US-led invasion in 2003 have been slow and there have been no prosecutions for torture.. More

  • UK Muslims face far-right revenge attacks

    The murder of a UK soldier has led to a spike in hate crimes targeting Muslims. British Muslims fear they could become “sitting targets” for far-right violence following a spate of attacks on mosques and a spike in other reported hate incidents in the week since the murder of a British soldier on a London street. The most serious attack.. More

  • Kurds flee for Iraq as Syria war slogs on

    As Syria's brutal war slogs on, some of the country's ethnic Kurds have been fleeing the chaos and destruction and taking refuge across the border in Iraq. About 50,000 people live in the Domiz camp, located near the city of Duhok about 60 kilometers from the Syria-Iraq border. The camp's residents are mainly Kurdish Syrians who do not want to participate.. More

  • Amnesty condemns abuse of refugee rights

    The rights of millions of refugees and migrants have been abused in the past year, Amnesty International has said in its annual report on global human rights. The London-based rights group said on Wednesday that state authorities and employers were equally responsible for the suffering of vulnerable groups. "The world is becoming an increasingly.. More

  • Maliki's Iraq: Rape, executions and torture

    Heba al-Shamary (name changed for security reasons) was released recently from an Iraqi prison where she spent the last four years. "I was tortured and raped repeatedly by the Iraqi security forces," she told Al Jazeera. "I want to tell the world what I and other Iraqi women in prison have had to go through these last years. It has been.. More

  • Jordan to host 'world's largest refugee camp'

    Al-Zaatari refugee camp near Jordan's northern border with Syria is the second largest refugee camp in the world. On days when violence in Syria worsens, between 2,000-4,000 Syrians flood into Zaatari, and the stories they tell are horrific. "Things are happening in Syria that our minds couldn't even imagine," 65-year-old Nada Salim Abdullah,.. More

  • Lives in limbo: Displaced Muslims in Myanmar

    Rights groups say the Rohingya in predominantly Buddhist Myanmar face some of the worst discrimination in the world. On a sweltering Sunday afternoon, Roma Hattu was rolling around on the bare concrete floor of the abandoned single-story building her family shares with three others behind Thetkepyin camp, breathing heavily and moaning. The 30-year.. More

  • New coronavirus can spread between humans, says WHO official

    World Health Organization expert plays down fears of pandemic, saying prolonged contact is needed to transmit disease. A World Health Organization (WHO) official has said it seems likely that a new coronavirus that has killed at least 18 people in the Middle East and Europe can be passed between humans, but only after prolonged contact. A virus from.. More

  • Asad's thugs massacres of Sunni families and children

    The pictures appear to tell a familiar story. In one a pile of bodies lies on a street corner, shot down, apparently where they were gathered. Among them is a girl in a red blouse, perhaps five years old, spread-eagled among a dozen other family members, some covered in sheets. A baby's legs are visible and a crumpled man has apparently been shot through.. More

  • How Guantanamo's horror forced inmates to hunger strike

    When the military doctors force-feed Guantánamo Bay detainee Fayiz al-Kandari with a tube shoved into his stomach there are three stages to the pain. First, there is the sensation of the tube passing near his sinuses as it is pushed through his nose and into his throat, which causes his eyes to water. Then there is an intense burning and gagging.. More

  • Anger at UNRWA in Gaza grows

    Anger and protests against the UN relief agency continue in Gaza, where Palestinians believe the agency should do more. “It’s all so surreal to me,” 15-year-old Ala’a al Masri told Al Jazeera. “We have to try and satisfy our physical needs for vitamins and fruit by watching it on TV.” The teenager and her family.. More