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There are 846 articles

  • Irregular Afghan forces in focus for abuses

    Abdul Rahim was in Kabul when the raid on his family home took place. When he returned to his house in Maidan Wardak province in eastern Afghanistan, he found blown-off doors, shattered windows and closets in disarray. But what Abdul Rahim remembered most were the faces of his brother Nasibullah's children. Hours after seeing their father shot dead.. More

  • Did Arafat Jaradat Die Under Interrogation?

    On Saturday, Palestinian prisoner Arafat Jaradat died from wounds suffered while being held in an Israeli prison. Israeli officials claimed Jaradat died from a heart attack but now say the autopsy evidence is inconclusive. Palestinian officials determined his death was the result of torture. Described as being in good health by his family and friends,.. More

  • Syria's internally displaced grow desperate

    As darkness descends on the dreary refugee camp bordering Turkey, hungry residents queue for the daily distribution of meager rations. Displaced Syrians wait in the long line with tin and plastic containers, hoping those dishing out food will provide enough to feed their families. Shortages of all kinds of supplies, particularly food and fuel, are.. More

  • UN warns of 'humanitarian tragedy' in Syria

    UN agencies have warned of a growing humanitarian crisis in Syria, as an estimated four million people there are in need of assistance. UN humanitarian chief Valerie Amos said the opposition-held north of Syria remained largely out of reach of aid operations, even though they had been stepped up elsewhere in the country torn by war. "We are watching.. More

  • Jailed Palestinian hunger striker faces death

    "He is chasing death," Samer Issawi's sister, Shireen, says. "My brother is in serious danger." Issawi, 33, has been on a hunger strike in an Israeli jail for more than 203 days. Initially released by Israeli authorities in an October 2011 prisoner swap, Issawi was re-arrested in July 2012 and told he would have to serve the remaining.. More

  • Horsemeat scandal reveals unpalatable truth

    An escalating scandal in the United Kingdom about horsemeat illicitly included in processed foods has shed light on the complex cross-border nature of food industry supply chains and sparked concern about the European Union's food safety system. British ministers have hinted that they would ban some EU imports if health is at risk, after the Tesco.. More

  • Diseases rife amid Syria drug shortages

    Water-borne diseases are spreading in Syria, compounding the problems of hospitals that are perilously short of medicine and doctors after nearly two years of fighting, the World Health Organization says. The country's health ministry has run out of trauma treatments made in factories in opposition areas to help the increasing numbers of burn victims.. More

  • Syrian town begins a return to civilian life

    Asem Halaq sits in a war-damaged, colonial-era building in central Azaz and looks at the pile of dossiers stacked atop his desk. Just down the road in Aleppo, war is raging. Yet here in Syria's relatively safe opposition-controlled north, a semblance of normality is taking hold and civilian-organized judicial systems are beginning to emerge. In the.. More

  • Israel's 'Great Book Robbery' unraveled

    Documentary sheds light on large-scale pillaging of books from Palestinian homes in 1948, when Israel was founded. Rasha Al Barghouti takes a few steps towards one of several large bookcases in her Ramallah home, treading slowly just four months after having hip replacement surgery. She takes out a thick blue book, and opens it to a bookmarked page,.. More

  • France’s War in Mali: Neo-imperialist grab dressed up in “war on terror” rhetoric

    By Finian Cunningham France’s intervention in Mali is simply this: a neo-imperialist power grab dressed up in “war on terror” rhetoric. Since the old colonial power began bombing the West African country on 11 January, the Paris government has wrapped its actions up with chivalrous language of saving the region, Europe and indeed.. More

  • UN: Prisoners still tortured in Afghan custody

    Afghan authorities are still torturing prisoners, such as hanging them by their wrists and beating them with cables, the United Nations said, a year after it first documented the abuse and won government promises of detention reform. The latest report shows little progress in curbing abuse in. The report released Sunday also cites instances where.. More

  • Syrian town takes strife in stride

    The center of Salkeen in northern Syria looked deceptively normal, just a day after the town came under lethal regime air strikes. Shops were open for business. Residents strolled through the main square. Children could be seen playing in the narrow streets. Yet a closer look at the streets of Salkeen revealed the brutal scars of war. Away from the.. More

  • EU urged to ban Israeli settlement products

    The European Union (EU) must impose a total ban on Israeli settlement products entering its markets and ensure that Israeli companies operating in the occupied Palestinian territories are not benefitting from EU-Israel trade agreements, according to a new report. "Given that trading in settlement goods amounts to a form of recognition and supports.. More

  • Israeli wall isolates Palestinian communities

    Shops are shuttered, and their signs are slowly rusting. Most apartment windows are broken, while those that remain in their frames are covered in dust. A single mechanic's garage is operating, though cars seldom drive through the area. This neighborhood once housed approximately 250 Palestinian families and dozens of bustling shops and businesses... More

  • Yemen's Government Tries to Cover Up Death of Civilians by US Drones

    A rickety Toyota truck packed with 14 people rumbled down a desert road from the town of Radda. Suddenly a missile hurtled from the sky and flipped the vehicle over. Within seconds, 11 of the passengers were dead, including a woman and her 7-year-old daughter. A 12-year-old boy also perished that day, and another man later died from his wounds. The.. More