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There are 846 articles

  • Mogadishu rebuilds despite uncertain peace

    The Somali capital has suffered decades of war and failed governance, but is still looking to its future. Here in Mogadishu, Somalia's shattered capital, a sustained period of relative calm holds, allowing the city's buildings to come back to life, thanks to a massive reconstruction effort. Laborers gather at dawn, hauling pails of stone and work tools,.. More

  • Afghans stranded in Pakistan's no-man's land

    Generations of Afghan refugees raised in Pakistan now face the prospect of returning to a home they have never known. Ali Muhammad, an Afghan resident of Chaghai, in Pakistan's southwestern Balochistan province, was born in 1981, as his family was fleeing the Afghan-Soviet war for the relative safety of Pakistan. Today, 32 years later, he and 12 of.. More

  • Burmese officials filled mass graves with Muslims

    Burmese security forces organized and stood guard over Buddhist attacks on Muslim settlements before burying scores of bodies, some with their hands tied behind their backs, in mass graves, Human Rights Watch said in a report today. Evidence of official involvement in the massacres that left hundreds dead was gathered by HRW researchers at 27 different.. More

  • Half of Syrian population 'will need aid by end of year'

    More than half the population of Syria is likely to be in need of aid by the end of the year, the UN high commissioner for refugees has warned, while labeling the ever-worsening crisis as the most serious the global body has dealt with. António Guterres, who has led the UNHCR through the worst of the refugee crises in Afghanistan and Iraq, said.. More

  • Israel arrests 14-year-old US citizen

    On April 11, in one of the trailer caravans that house the Israeli military courtrooms at Ofer prison, three boys sat in the brown Israeli Prison Service shabas uniform. Their feet shackled, their eyes darting between the judge, their lawyers, and their families. The youngest was 14-year-old Mohammad Khaleq, a short, skinny boy with a light brown.. More

  • Syria air strikes 'target civilians'

    Regime air strikes have hit bakeries and hospitals among other civilian targets in Syria, a watchdog reported Thursday, accusing the Syrian government of killing thousands in such raids it said amounted to war crimes. "Individuals who commit serious violations of the laws of war willfully, that is intentionally or recklessly, are responsible for.. More

  • How to write about Muslims

    The Western press and social media often seem to exercise two options for dealing with the Muslim population of the world: overt, unabashed Islamophobia or slightly subtler Islamophobia. As Georgetown University's John L Esposito writes in the foreword to Nathan Lean's The Islamophobia Industry: How the Right Manufactures Fear of Muslims, 9/11 and.. More

  • Syria: the failure of our so-called international community

    The massacres in Syria rage on and yet we stand idle. We must realize that, to millions of Syrians trapped in the country, the virtual absence of humanitarian relief is nearly as arbitrary and cruel as the war itself. Bombs, even ballistic missiles, are tearing homes apart and more than 70,000 people have been killed. Weapons, not blankets, are pouring.. More

  • Camp Nama: horrors of a secret US base in Baghdad

    British soldiers and airmen who helped to operate a secretive US detention facility in Baghdad that was at the center of some of the most serious human rights abuses to occur in Iraq after the invasion have, for the first time, spoken about abuses they witnessed there. Personnel from two RAF squadrons and one Army Air Corps squadron were given guard.. More

  • Four children among the dead following joint Afghan-NATO operation

    At least five Afghan civilians, of which four were children, were reportedly killed Tuesday night during an operation by joint NATO and Afghan forces in the eastern Arghanistan province of Logar, according to reports by a local police official. Reports indicate that the military operation included both soldiers operating on the ground and a possible.. More

  • Iraq: War's legacy of cancer

    Two US-led wars in Iraq have left behind hundreds of tons of depleted uranium munitions and other toxic wastes. Contamination from Depleted Uranium (DU) munitions and other military-related pollution is suspected of causing a sharp rises in congenital birth defects, cancer cases, and other illnesses throughout much of Iraq. Many prominent doctors.. More

  • Rohingya refugees import 'mail-order' brides

    Young men who have found refuge in Malaysia after fleeing violence in Myanmar are covertly getting brides from home. Shamsul Alam, has dabbled as a tailor's assistant and construction worker since fleeing to Malaysia from his native Rakhine State in Myanmar. He recalls bitterly his grueling 12-14 hour work days on construction sites before grabbing.. More

  • Report details dire plight of Syrian children

    Rights group finds at least two million children have suffered malnutrition, disease and severe trauma during conflict. An international children’s' rights organization has released a report highlighting the severe plight of Syrian children during the regime’s two-year crackdown. UK-based Save the Children said on Wednesday that at least.. More

  • Israel harms Palestinian economy: report

    Israeli restrictions and closures coupled with the worsening fiscal situation of the Palestinian Authority is causing "lasting damage" to the competitiveness of the Palestinian economy, the World Bank warns. In a report issued on Tuesday ahead of a meeting of global donors in Brussels on March 19, the World Bank explored the long-term damage.. More

  • Torture taint hangs over Iraq death sentences

    For three years, Nadiha Hilal has begun each day waiting to hear if she's become a widow. Hilal's husband has been awaiting execution since he was sentenced to death in 2009, along with 10 other people in a case that illustrates Iraq's deeply troubled criminal justice system. Iraq's Justice Ministry said the number of prisoners given death sentences.. More