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There are 846 articles

  • Despair sweeps Philippine storm survivors

    Weeks after Typhoon Bopha tore through the southern Philippines leaving more than 1,000 dead and hundreds missing, residents of this town are still adrift on a sea of hopelessness. Anna Jane Saigod, 16, is not sure about how to fend for herself and two other siblings who survived the storm. Twelve members of her family - parents, a younger sister.. More

  • Israeli Oppression, Palestinian Unity: the Rise of the Third Intifada?

    After a ceasefire was brokered to end Israel's eight day siege on Gaza earlier this month, Israel has continued to attack Palestinians in a number of ways: showing an unwillingness to give up its pursuit of Jewish settlements in the West Bank, withholding tax revenues indefinitely from the Palestinian Authority, and continuing to fire indiscriminately.. More

  • Israel expansion threatens West Bank Bedouin

    On the dusty slopes leading to the Dead Sea, the red roof tiles of Israel's illegal settlements flicker in patches of sunlight as distant mosque minarets of nearby Palestinian villages peek through the hills. Adjacent to this route linking Jerusalem with the Jordan Valley lie several Bedouin communities leading a simple existence. Eid Khamis, who.. More

  • The Hidden Genocide

    Earlier this year a Buddhist woman was raped and murdered in western Myanmar. The authorities ‘charged’ three Muslim men. A week later, 10 Muslims were murdered in a revenge attack. What happened next was hidden from the outside world. Bloodshed pitted Buddhists against minority Rohingya Muslims. Many Rohingya fled their homes, which.. More

  • US Military Detains More Than 200 Afghan Teens as 'Enemy Combatants'

    More than 200 Afghan teenagers have been captured and detained by the US military, the United States told the United Nations in a very troubling report distributed this week. In recent years, the US has received criticism from a number of human rights organizations for failing to meet commitments to protect children in war zones. The report was written.. More

  • China timber trade 'fuels climate change'

    China's skyrocketing demand for timber to fuel its economic boom is driving illegal logging and contributing to the destruction of forests in Asia and Africa, needed now more than ever to halt climate change, a new environmental report says. China is now the biggest international consumer of illegal timber, according to the report from the Environmental.. More

  • Gazans denied day in Israeli courts

    Israeli policy of denying Palestinians entry permits prevents Gaza citizens from seeking damages for abuses suffered. Maher Ismail Abu Daqqa has been waiting more than 10 years for justice. He was 40 years old when, in August 2001, Israeli soldiers fired at his car at an Israeli military roadblock in the Gaza Strip. From the village of Bani Suheila,.. More

  • The voices of Gaza's children

    The only protection the Awajaa family has against the Israeli rockets is a thin tarpaulin, stretched out over a small plot of land. The tent, where they have been living on and off since their house was turned to rubble in the 2008-09 Israeli war on Gaza, is one of the first houses on the border, located a mere few hundred meters away from Israel. ".. More

  • The tragedy of a targeted Gazan family

    "For a split second I thought it had struck our neighbor’s home. The next thing I know, I’m waking up in hospital," said 19-year-old Nour Hijazi, lying in a hospital bed in Jabaliya’s Kamal Edwan Hospital with a shattered spine. The Hijazi family, consisting of six boys and two girls, were sitting with their parents watching.. More

  • Gaza hospitals face dire supply shortages

    It's not yet been a week since the latest Israeli aggression in Gaza began, but already the casualties on the Palestinian side are proving to be overwhelming for overstretched hospitals. Since the initial Israeli air strike that killed Ahmad Jabari, head of Hamas's Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, on November 14, Israel's military said it has struck.. More

  • Massacre trial reopens old Afghan wounds

    Five months after a US soldier allegedly killed 16 people in Kandahar, Afghans say little has changed. Having just completed his dawn prayer, Mullah Baran was rolling up his prayer mat when he received the phone call: “The Americans came last night," a voice on the other end told him. “They raided your house and martyred your.. More

  • Rohingya refugees streaming to Malaysia

    When 27-year-old Najumul Haq took to sea for the first time, he left behind all that he had ever known. Najumul is a Rohingya, born in Myanmar. For years, his family had run a sundry shop in the town of Maungdaw, on the country's western coast close to the border with Bangladesh. Travelling first to nearby Bangladesh, and then to a rendezvous with.. More

  • Nigeria accused of abuses in Boko Haram fight

    Nigeria is illegally holding hundreds of people suspected of participating in violence perpetrated by the armed group Boko Haram and is denying them access to lawyers, an international rights group has said. Amnesty International alleged in a report released on Thursday that most of those imprisoned around the country are held without criminal charges. So.. More

  • Syrians in Turkey camps desperate to return

    Ahmed al-Arash bore the expression of a powerless father as he stood over his one-year-old son, Mohamed, in a health clinic in Turkey's Islahiyeh refugee camp. Mohamed grimaced in pain, his little frame appearing even frailer in the middle of the adult-sized hospital bed. Al-Arash, who arrived in the camp with his pregnant wife and their only.. More

  • The harsh reality of China's Muslim divide

    The Muslim Hui are an anomaly in China, an ethnic minority granted significant autonomy and allowed to devoutly follow their religion in a region where Islam thrives. The ancient Silk Road trade route cut through what is today the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, luring Muslim traders from afar. Descendants of Arab and Persian merchants travelled here.. More