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There are 846 articles

  • Rights group says Syria using cluster bombs

    Syrian regime forces have dropped Russian-made cluster bombs over civilian areas in the past week as they battle to reverse opposition gains on a strategic highway, according to the watchdog group Human Rights Watch. The bombs were dropped from planes and helicopters, with many of the strikes taking place near the main north-south highway running through.. More

  • 'Political arrests' plague Palestinians

    Alaa Shuli still has the scars to remind him of his time in prison. Hung from a wire affixed to the ceiling, with his toes barely touching the ground and his hands tied behind his back, Shuli says he was left that way for hours on end. He remembers prison guards repeatedly beating his legs and arms with a wooden stick, hurling taunts at him, insulting.. More

  • Children caught up in Afghan war

    In what had become a daily ritual, Anisa Shahghasi said goodbye to her son, Nawab, with prayers on her lips and a quick wave of her hand. The world outside their cramped Kabul home was fraught with dangers. And like every other mother in the Afghan capital - which still witnesses regular bombings and deadly attacks - Anisa wished for her son’s.. More

  • Western report - Iran ships arms, personnel to Syria via Iraq

    Iran has been using civilian aircraft to fly military personnel and large quantities of weapons across Iraqi airspace to Syria to aid President Bashar al-Assad in his attempt to crush an 18-month uprising against his government, according to a Western intelligence report seen by Reuters. Earlier this month, U.S. officials said they were questioning.. More

  • Education suffers in East Jerusalem

    As thousands of Palestinian youth began the new school year last week, serious concerns have been raised over how a systemic lack of facilities, resources and investment into East Jerusalem schools is impacting the level of education. According to a recent report released by human rights groups the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) and.. More

  • Who is held to account for civilian deaths by drone in Yemen?

    There is a history of Yemeni officials lying to protect the US, and the Pentagon and CIA greeting queries with obfuscation. When news flashed of an air strike on a vehicle in the Yemeni city of Radaa on Sunday afternoon, early claims that ‘al-Qaida militants had died’ soon gave way to a more grisly reality. At least 10 civilians had been.. More

  • Palestinian farmers fighting to survive

    For Palestinian farmer Esam Foqaha, agriculture is more than a profession, it's a way of life. "Farming is not only a job. It's our lifestyle and we will do it forever," Foqaha said. Foqaha lives in Ein Al-Beida, a Palestinian agricultural village located in the West Bank's northern Jordan Valley area. With his three brothers, he cultivates.. More

  • On the receiving end of Israeli 'impunity'

    Looking back at other victims who, like Rachel Corrie, came under Israeli attack and then were deprived of justice. The death of 23-year-old American peace activist Rachel Corrie was a "regrettable accident", an Israeli court has ruled, in a verdict that was neither surprising nor unfamiliar. Corrie was crushed by an Israeli Defense Force.. More

  • Former Israeli Soldiers Confess Abuse of Palestinian Children

    Testimony by ex-Israeli Defense Force soldiers reveals a devastating portrayal of ill-treatment and abuse of Palestinian youth by members of Israel's occupying army in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The testimony by more than 30 soldiers, and fashioned into a booklet by Breaking the Silence, an organization of former IDF soldiers dedicated to speaking.. More

  • Israel ex-soldiers say troops abused Palestinian kids

    Former Israeli soldiers who served in the occupied territories say that mistreatment of Palestinian children by troops is "routine" and occurs even at times of relative calm. A collection of over 30 testimonies published on Sunday by Breaking the Silence, a group of ex-servicemen critical of army practices, says physical violence, often arbitrary,.. More

  • Amnesty: Syrian civilians suffer most in Aleppo

    Human rights group Amnesty International says artillery and mortar fire and airstrikes by regime forces in the northern city of Aleppo are killing mostly civilians, including children. A new Amnesty report released Thursday said air and artillery strikes against residential neighborhoods are indiscriminate attacks that seriously endanger civilians. Governme.. More

  • Nobody's people in a no-man's land

    In November 2007, Rohingya refugee Ali Ashraf paid dubious agents in Bangladesh's Cox's Bazar town for a place in a big boat that was to take him to Malaysia via Thailand for a "good job" and a "secure future". Three weeks later, after a perilous journey across the choppy waters of the Bay of Bengal, Ashraf's boat was intercepted.. More

  • Attacks on US Muslims creates Eid worry

    Religious sites targeted before holiday, as congressman says 'radical' Muslims 'try to kill Americans every week'. On Thursday, a Palestinian American was visiting his father's grave at Muslim cemetery in Evergreen Park, a suburb southwest of Chicago, when he noticed graffiti written on the tombstones. Anti-Muslim graffiti were written on the tombs.. More

  • The battle for Area C

    Palestinians face severe restrictions in the more than 60 per cent of the West Bank under full Israeli control. Dozens of tents, made of wooden planks, small boulders and plastic tarps, cling to the rocky hilltop. Tires, garbage, shoes, children's clothes and broken electronic equipment are strewn between the tents, home to the 400 Palestinian residents.. More

  • 'Mass graves' for Myanmar's Rohingya

    A recent journey to western Myanmar has revealed a provincial capital divided by hatred and thousands of its Muslim residents terrorized by what they say is a state-sponsored campaign to segregate the population along ethno-sectarian lines. Decades-old tension between ethnic Rakhine Buddhists and Rohingya Muslims in coastal Rakhine state exploded with.. More