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There are 782 articles

  • Rulings on Mixed Workplaces and Co-Education

    · Women working with men You have explained the limits of man's interaction with women, and what is permissible and what is not. What is the ruling on the relationship between a man and woman at work? Is she allowed to work in a place where there are non-Mahram (marriageable) men, since this is common in many countries? My opinion is that.. More

  • Walking with Bashfulness

    Bashfulness is one of the sublime characteristics with which women in general, and Muslim women in particular are adorned. How beautiful it is when noble morals are adorned with bashfulness! How beautiful it is when bashfulness dominates all the actions of a chaste girl and noble woman! When one contemplates the state of women today, he wonders at.. More

  • A Message to the Woman Who Does not Adhere to the Hijab

    Tabarruj means impermissible exposure of women's adornment and beauty before non-Mahram (marriageable) men. This applies to exposure of jewels, arms, legs, chest, neck, face, and so on. Shaykh Abu Al-A‘la Al-Mawdoodi, may Allah have mercy upon him, said: Tabarruj for women means: Exposure of the beauty of the face and body before non-Mahram.. More

  • A Very Successful Business Dinner

    It is beautiful to see a child waiting for his father to return home to share with him his food and playwith him. Such a child longs to hear nice stories that would remain with him throughout his life. The father should never neglect this issue regardless of his numerous tasks. Imaam Muslim, may Allah have mercy upon him, narrated, A man sat late.. More

  • Degrading women in the Mass Media

    Beautiful, attractive, rebellious, dreamy, exciting - these are some of the qualities of women as presented in the mass media, drama series, and satellite television channels. However, do these qualities represent the real female? How does this stereotypical image of the female affect the family? Is this really the society’s viewpoint or the viewpoint.. More

  • Preservation of Lineage and Progeny

    A woman said, "A few months after my marriage, I got pregnant by the Bounty of Allah. Now, I am waiting for my first baby, fully looking forward to seeing and embracing it and to the new life with my children." Another woman said, "Thirteen years after marriage – and they were very difficult – Allah granted me two children... More

  • 'You' and 'I': The Art of Communication in Marital Life – II

    There is a huge difference between a positive statement such as: "I always look forward to you returning home in the evening to see you and talk to you", and a negative one such as: "You never care to listen to me even when we meet in the evening." The use of the pronoun "I" in conversation is more influential and more.. More

  • Our Highly Economical Home - II

    Methods to Economize on Electrical Appliances: Allah The Exalted has bestowed knowledge upon humans and as a result of this knowledge there are modern inventions that have made chores easier, resulting in greatly reducing human exertion, thereby freeing up time for other things. Therefore, electrical appliances should be maintained and well taken.. More

  • Our Highly Economical Home - I

    The economics of a Muslim home are based upon a group of values and foundations that distinguish it from any other home; and these are: * Faith that its wealth belongs to Allah The Almighty, and the members of the family are merely temporary trustees for it, Allah The Exalted Says (what means): {Believe in Allah and His Messenger and spend out of that.. More

  • Laughter and Entertainment in the Muslim Home

    A Muslim home is not devoid of jokes and good cheer even though it is a house of constant and serious religious efforts. The Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, is our example in this, for he was always cheerful and smiling. Abu 'Umaamah, may Allah be pleased with him, reported that the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, was the most cheerful.. More

  • 'And Abide in Your Homes...'

    The view that women are not permitted to leave their homes at all due to the general indication of the verse in which Allah The Exalted Says (what means): {And abide in your houses.} [Quran 33: 33], is not adducible because this part of the verse is followed by another part which reads: {And do not display yourselves as [was] the display of the former.. More

  • Dangers of Women Entering Men's Fields of Work - II

    Allah The Almighty commands the believing women to reduce their sight and guard their private parts, and not to expose their adornment except what necessarily appears thereof. He also orders them to let their headcovers fall over their chests, and this implies that they should screen the head and face. How can one reduce the sight, guard the private.. More

  • Dangers of Women Entering Men's Fields of Work - I

    The call for women to go out to work in the same field as men, (thus leading to impermissible free mixing) under the claim that it is an inescapable aspect of the modern era and civilization is fraught with danger. This is because it leads to serious and calamitous consequences, besides being in opposition to the texts based on the Sharee‘ah (Islamic.. More

  • Relating a Story can Change a Child’s Behavior - II

    Islam realizes the natural inclination toward stories, due to their magical effect on the hearts, and thus, endorses listening to them as a method of upbringing and rectifying. [Awlaaduna Akbaaduna] Stories attract the children in their early years and gain their preference over other types of entertainment, because they leave a clear effect on their.. More

  • Relating a Story can Change a Child’s Behavior - I

    A mother said, "I have a friend who is married and has two children, aged five and six. On one occasion when I visited them, she asked her children not to fiddle with the alarm clock that belonged to their father. However, the children did not pay attention to what their mother was saying." Therefore, I said to them, “Would you like.. More