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There are 782 articles

  • The Muslim Woman and Her Parents

    Treating parents dutifully One of the main distinguishing characteristics of the true Muslim woman is her respectful and kind treatment of her parents. Islam encourages respect towards and kind treatment of parents in many definitive texts of the Quran and Sunnah; any Muslim woman who reads these texts has no choice but to adhere to their teachings.. More

  • Islam and polygamy -II

    Polygamy, in the sense of having more than one wife at the same time, has been one of the chief issues due to which severe criticism has been directed against Islam. Non-Muslims decry Islam for permitting polygamy and allowing a man to have up to four wives at the same time, thus debasing women and slighting their status in society. It should be made.. More

  • Self-Help and Recovery

    Acknowledge what is wrong Acknowledging a problem is the first step towards finding a solution or a cure for it. Sometimes a bad habit is like a black mark on one's face, it is apparent to everybody except oneself. Assess yourself: How often do you catch yourself using abusive words? Are there particular times when you use bad language more than.. More

  • Our Safe Homes

    Security is a great blessing from Allah The Exalted. Allah The Exalted bestowed this blessing upon the people of Quraysh and He reminded them about this within the context of a command for them to worship Him; Allah The Exalted Says (what means): {Let them worship the Lord of this House, who has fed them, [saving them] from hunger and made them safe,.. More

  • Children and Household Chores - II

    How to teach our children to participate in household chores: Parents often use negative methods in teaching their children how to participate in household chores. For example, they address them saying, "If you do not clean the house, I will not let you play; or, if you do not clean your room, I will not give you your pocket money." However,.. More

  • Children and Household Chores - I

    During a holiday: "Ahmad, you can clean the dining room." "Faatimah, you can clear up the kitchen." "Mahmood, you can clean the living room." "Mu’min, you do the bathroom." Children: "Mother! This is a holiday. We want to play with our friends." Mother: "Don't go out to play until.. More

  • Women: A Source of Happiness or Pessimism?

    Some might say: How could a woman be a great reason for happiness when she is described in some Prophetic Hadeeths (narrations) as a source of pessimism? In order to understand this and know the truth about it in the Religion of Allah The Almighty and the guidance of His Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, the discussion must be derived from.. More

  • The obligation of giving Zakah of jewelry - II

    If someone says, "What is the answer to the Hadeeth (narration) on which those who do not oblige Zakah (purifying alms) on jewelry base their argument?" The Hadeeth was narrated by Ibn Al-Jawzi, may Allah have mercy upon him, on the authority of ‘Aafiyah ibn Ayyoob, from Al-Layth ibn Sa‘d, from Az-Zubayr, from Jaabir, may Allah.. More

  • The obligation of giving Zakah of jewelry - I

    Both the Quran and Sunnah (tradition) clearly indicate the obligation of Zakah (purifying alms) on women's gold and silver jewelry even if it is kept for the purpose of wearing or lending. This includes necklaces, bracelets, rings or any gold or silverware when they reach the Nisaab (minimum taxable amount) every Hijri year, or when the owner has gold,.. More

  • Which religion honors women the most? - II

    The Christian Scripture clearly states that pregnancy and childbearing, with all the pain and suffering they entail, are a punishment for the woman for tempting Aadam, may Allah exalt his mention. Thus, whenever a woman becomes pregnant or longs for her man, she must remember that this is a punishment for her sin and crime against the man whom she caused.. More

  • Which religion honors women the most? - I

    Since the emergence of Islam, its enemies have been attacking it and making false accusations against it. Perhaps one of their most laughable methods of fabricating such lies is denying their own sinful ways, and deflecting them onto Islam and then attacking them. One of the issues that is raised by the enemies of Islam in an attempt to distract others.. More

  • Hafsah Bint ‘Umar: Who Fasted during the Day and kept Vigil at Night

    When Zayd ibn Thaabit, may Allah be pleased with him, finished compiling the Noble Quran at the command of Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq, may Allah be pleased with him, the scrolls that contained the Quranic text were kept in the house of Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, until he died. Then they were moved to the house of ‘Umar, may Allah be pleased.. More

  • Mind your manners in company!

    "Please father! Take me with you." Most fathers hear this sentence from their children when they want to go out. Sometimes children ask insistently or weep to accompany their fathers in their gatherings with adults. Fathers have different opinions about the proper action in this regard -- whether they should take their children with them.. More

  • How to maintain a healthy home

    Health is a blessing from Allah The Almighty, the virtue of which is not recognized by many people. The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: “There are two blessings which many people waste: (they are) health and free time (for doing good).” [Al-Bukhari, At-Tirmithi and Ibn Maajah] Health is a crown that adorns healthy people,.. More

  • Culture of the Innocent Child

    One may ask if there is a child who is not innocent, and I would tell you that all children are innocent and have the innate disposition that Allah The Almighty created them upon. Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {[Adhere to] the Fitrah of Allah upon which He has created [all] people. No change should there be in the creation of Allah.} [Quran.. More