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There are 782 articles

  • The Muslim Woman and the Responsibility of Da‘wah - II

    Abiding by Sharee‘ah in Da‘wah without Deviation Abiding by the teachings of Islam without deviation or substitution is one of the fundamentals that a female caller must consider when making Da‘wah because all the goodness lies in the Sharee‘ah of Allah The Almighty and His way. Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullaah Ad-Duwaysh.. More

  • The Muslim Woman and the Responsibility of Da‘wah - I

    There is no doubt that the woman plays an important role in reforming and directing the society. Hence, Islam stresses the importance of reforming the woman and qualifying her for that great role. It then stirs in her this high spirit that drives her to work as is seen in several texts like the Hadeeth where the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam,.. More

  • Examples of women's rights Islam – I

    Islam is the true liberator of women. It has preserved the rights of a woman from the time she is a mere fetus in her mother's womb till the time she is laid down in her grave. Even after that: 1- If a woman is divorced during pregnancy, the father is obligated to support the mother while she is pregnant. 2- Islam protected the rights of a woman.. More

  • Globalization and women

    The globalization of women has turned them into global entities as of themselves, independent of any authority. Thus, international conferences have been held, and covenants and agreements formulated and signed, to oblige world governments to fulfill their rights. But, what is disturbing is that the recommendations of these conventions and the agendas.. More

  • The Nearest Way to a Man’s Heart

    Women are fed up with talk about the husband’s rights and would probably cry, “Are there no rights for the wives? Why do you always talk about the rights of the husband? Where are the rights of the wife?” In light of the noble verse (what means): {The believing men and believing women are allies of one another} [Quran 9:71], allow.. More

  • Worship Allah The Almighty by keeping your children clean

    None of us can resist the innocence of adorable young children. Once we see them, we take them in our arms, carry, embrace and kiss them, hence, filling ourselves with love and delight which Allah The Almighty instilled in the favor of children. Every time we see them, our happiness is refreshed and we feel pleased. This only becomes perfect when the.. More

  • Ash-Shaymaa' … The Prophet's sister

    She used to play with the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, and sing saying: O our Lord keep Muhammad for us … till I see him grown up and prosperous Then I see him becoming a leading master … and suppress his enemy and envier And grant him an everlasting might and valor Abu 'Urwah Al-Azdi used to chant these verses of.. More

  • The woman's freedom in Islam

    Islam has granted women a great position and exalted their status, as irrefutably proved in the Quran, Sunnah and through incidents in the biography of the Rightly-Guided Caliphs. If the condition of women has deteriorated in recent times, it is only because of the influence of customs and traditions that have nothing to do with the Sharee'ah. Contrary.. More

  • Dealing with a rude child

    Seven-year-old Faaris spent an enjoyable week with his cousins -- the family of his uncle -- which consists of three boys whose ages range from six to twelve years. When Faaris' father came to take him home, he noticed that Faaris appeared a little more grown up and had acquired greater self-confidence. Faaris was quite eager to return home so that.. More

  • Lessons from the unblemished life of Maryam

    Maryam (Mary) the daughter of ‘Imraan (Amram), may Allah exalt her mention, is a bright image of chastity and purity. She guarded her chastity and the result was {…so We blew into [her garment] through Our angel} [Quran 66:12] Why did Allah The Almighty choose her from among all other women? That is because she{…believed in the words.. More

  • Muslim women in the field of medicine - II

    · The second regulation: Abiding by the Hijab (Islamic covering) approved by the Sharee‘ah (Islamic legislation): Allah The Almighty Says (what means): · {O Prophet, tell your wives, your daughters, and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves [part] of their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will.. More

  • Muslim women in the field of medicine - I

    In this article, we will examine two main points: 1- The regulations of the Sharee‘ah (Islamic legislation) with respect to women working in the field of medicine. 2- The hopes that the Ummah (Muslim nation)has pinned on those who work in this field. We should first speak generally about the role of women in society under Islam before speaking.. More

  • Responsibility towards children

    Attentiveness to external influence The smart Muslim mother keeps her eyes open as far as her children are concerned. She knows what they are reading and writing, the hobbies and activities they pursue, the friends they have chosen, and the places they go to in their free time. She knows all of this without her children feeling that she is watching.. More

  • Widows and society

    The husband has died and everyone surrounds the wife consoling and comforting her. Once the days of giving condolences are over, the woman finds herself alone, confronting her tragedy and her new responsibility. Additionally, a new kind of suffering begins, that is, the society's critical look at her for being without a husband. She is held accountable.. More

  • Our children and mistakes

    It is natural for a child to make mistakes, because he is not infallible. After all, the child is a human being and he is vulnerable to weakness, deficiency, fancies and sometimes evil desires. The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: “All the children of Aadam are sinners, but the best among the sinners are those who frequently.. More