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There are 782 articles

  • Faatimah Bint Asad: Guardian of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam

    Her name and lineage She is Faatimah bint Asad ibn Haashim ibn ‘Abd Manaaf Al-Haashimiyyah, may Allah be pleased with her. Her husband was Abu Taalib ibn ‘Abd Manaaf ibn ‘Abd Al-Muttalib ibn Haashim. He was from the Quraysh and he was the father of ‘Ali ibn Abi Taalib, may Allah be pleased with him, and the paternal uncle of.. More

  • Kabshah bint Raafi‘: The Mother of Heroes

    She is Kabshah Al-Ansaariyyah Al-Khudriyyah bint Raafi‘ ibn ‘Ubayd ibn Al-Abjar, i.e. Khudrah ibn ‘Awf ibn Al-Khazraj, may Allah be pleased with her. Her mother is Umm Ar-Rabee‘ bint Maalik ibn ‘Aamir ibn Fuhayrah ibn Bayaadhah. She was one of the early Muslims who embraced Islam with its first advent into Al-Madeenah... More

  • Polygyny is the Original Rule

    Polygyny is the basic rule; however, the ruling of polygyny differs according to the circumstances and conditions of every man. Restricting polygyny to cases where the first wife is sick or old is considered unjustly narrowing that which is wide. The phenomenon of polygyny was widespread during the period of Jaahiliyyah (pre-Islamic era) and.. More

  • A wake-up call to passive women

    This is a call to the women who are not active seekers of knowledge. Wake up and discard your lassitude! Your long dormancy and passivity is no longer acceptable. Why is it that over the years you have neglected the duty of acquiring and propagating Islamic knowledge, while you sleep peacefully and with a clear conscience? Do you approve that your.. More

  • Women Seeking the Reward of Allah The Almighty

    Women are the peers of men and they have been assigned the same religious duties as men with the exception of what is proven to be excluded by authentic evidence of the Sharee‘ah (Islamic legislation) such as congregational prayer etc. Hence, in principle, women are required to do what men are required to do. This includes enjoining what is.. More

  • The emigrant: Saarah

    Saarah, may Allah exalt her mention, emigrated in the cause of Allah The Almighty with her husband and her husband’s nephew Loote (Loot), may Allah exalt their mention, to Palestine. When there was a terrible drought in Palestine, she traveled with her husband once again to Egypt. Information about them was quickly conveyed to the Pharaoh.. More

  • False allegations against Hijab

    It is falsely alleged that chastity is a behavior which stems from a chaste self which hates filth and insolence and that wearing the Hijab (Islamic covering) and avoiding intermixing with non-Mahram (marriageable) men does not necessarily mean purity of behavior and avoiding impermissible things. To substantiate such claims, the advocates of corruption.. More

  • Bringing up a self-confident child

    · "I do not love myself, for I am not a boy who is loved, nor am I skilled at sports. But who cares? My school marks are average. There are many things that I do not like to do, simply because I do not understand them. I do not like to try to do new things, as they give me feelings of apprehension and fear in my heart. I also dislike making.. More

  • Working women according to Islam - II

    Men and women have their own responsibilities and specialties in building this glory as Allah has divided different abilities between them. Each of these specialties is pivotal and cannot be belittled, underestimated or dispensed with. Men are responsible for production, developing wealth, earning a livelihood and defending the house, while women are.. More

  • Working women according to Islam - I

    In principle, a woman's work in Islam should be at home where she can take care of her husband's property, organize his life and manage the affairs of her house. In her house, she works towards achieving the goals of marriage and noble motherhood devotedly and sincerely. Since it is the duty of the husband to earn money, she has to spend it wisely to.. More

  • A Family Without Problems

    Islam has established a set of wise rules to protect the family from dispute and disunity. It has also fixed firm principles that save the family from all kinds of problems, which disrupt the happiness of both spouses and put an end to affection and tranquility between them. Moreover, Islam has prevented everything that is likely to disunite family.. More

  • Your smile is the key to your happiness

    Constant frowning adds to man’s anxieties, sorrows, and agonies, which might lead to early aging and other serious conditions. On the contrary, a smile kindles happiness in your soul and instils hope within your heart as well as within other people’s hearts. Do yourself a favor: smile, so that you are happy and make your family and those.. More

  • Controlling the child's desire for possessions

    Allah The Almighty beautified for human beings the different good things which He made lawful for them. Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {Beautified for people is the love of that which they desire - of women and sons, heaped-up sums of gold and silver, fine branded horses, and cattle and tilled land. That is the enjoyment of worldly life, but.. More

  • Attributes of the Members of a Muslim Home – II

    They enjoin good and forbid evil. Pious Muslims implement the Command of Allah The Almighty in the verse that reads (what means): {And let there be [arising] from you a nation inviting to [all that is] good, enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong, and those will be the successful.} [Quran 3:104] The members of the Muslim home carry the.. More

  • Attributes of the Members of the Muslim Home - I

    Indeed, homes are not [judged according to their] cement walls or construction. Rather, homes are judged according to the people who inhabit them. Were the inhabitants of a home to be righteous people, they would be filled with the light [of their righteous deeds]. Likewise, were the residents of the home to be evil and dissolute, the home would be.. More