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There are 781 articles

  • Learning to Listen

    Listening is a quality of true believers who say 'we hear and we obey' when they are referred to statements of Allah the Exalted and His Prophet, sallAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. Besides listening to the commands of Allah the Exalted and His Prophet, sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam, Muslims are asked to listen to parents, except if they ask us to do.. More

  • Grave Consequences of Bad Manners

    The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, guided his Ummah (nation) to everything that is good and warned them against everything that is evil. Bad morals are among the things which the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, warned us against. They are detestable and indicate an unrighteous demeanor that usually arises from the unsoundness.. More

  • Mutual Rights - Maintaining Chastity - II

    When righteousness touches a woman, one would not hear or see from her anything but good. Such is the righteousness of the early Muslim generations about whom the Prophet, sallAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, spoke highly, saying: “My generation is the best of generations.” Surely, they were the best generation, men and women, old and young.. More

  • Mutual Rights - Maintaining Chastity - I

    Maintaining Chastity The second right of the two rights that this series of articles pertains to is the overnight stay, which signifies that the spouses help each other in observing chastity. Each of the spouses should fulfill this right for the other. Some scholars have said that the purpose of marriage is that both the man and the woman preserve.. More

  • Justification is the Excuse of the Weak

    Who among us does not make mistakes? Who among us can dare claim that he is infallible? Every human is expected to make mistakes, and this is not in itself a defect, for the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: “All the sons of Adam constantly commit sins, but the best of those who constantly commit sins are those who are constantly.. More

  • Our Children and Quran in Ramadan - II

    Parents will also receive the greatest reward: With regard to you, dear fathers and mothers, you will certainly receive a great reward and endless happiness if your child memorizes the Quran. The parents’ efforts to make their child memorize the Quran will not be in vain. Listen to the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, who says:.. More

  • Our Children and the Quran in Ramadan - I

    Facts and news: The first piece of news: An eleven-year-old boy from the Croatian capital Zagreb memorized the whole Quran. A Zagreb-based newspaper said that the child, who is still at the primary school, has memorized the whole Quran in five years and that he used to spend four hours a day in memorization of the Quran. The second piece of news:.. More

  • Our Food Values, Our Future

    More than a fundamental necessity for living, food is a primary source for fulfilling our spiritual essence and inner functions that every man and woman needs for a conscious and balanced being. Indeed, learning the emphasis the Quran and the Sunnah place on the role food plays in the relationship of man to his Lord, the way man is to handle it, from.. More

  • The buzzing of the bees and honey

    “And your Lord inspired to the bee, "Take for yourself among the mountains, houses, and among the trees and [in] that which they construct. Then eat from all the fruits and follow the ways of your Lord laid down [for you]." There emerges from their bellies a drink, varying in colors, in which there is healing for people. Indeed in that.. More

  • It’s about time

    Since the beginning of time, someone else has been controlling your time, or rather your timeliness. When we were younger, our parents determined when we got to school and how early or late we were. They helped us to dress and get ready, and we were under their control. Then, as we got older, we gained some of our own independence, but then, many women.. More

  • Ambition

    A wise person should not be satisfied with his or her present circumstances; rather, he or she should continually aspire to achieve noble aims and seek self-improvement. If he or she attains a certain status, he or she must look forward to achieving an even higher one. Undeniably, this has to be done without demonstrating an inclination to this worldly.. More

  • Summary of Zakah rulings

    The position of Zakah and the Basic Rule of Its Ordainment: Zakah is one of Islam’s pillars and great foundations. It is Joined by Allah The Almighty with prayer in many locations of His Glorious Book. The source of its obligation lies in the Quran, the Prophetic Sunnah and the consensus of the Islamic ummah. Concerning the Book of Allah The.. More

  • Islamization of knowledge

    It is necessary to reform methods of thinking and build a genuine clear vision of its different stages. There is no field of science that cannot be regulated by the comprehensive Quranic perspective, which extends over all its core issues: goals, methods, facts and application. With knowledge being directed towards the consolidation of power, hegemony,,.. More

  • Candor

    Our pure religion appreciates counsel to the extent that the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: “The Deen (religion) is [offering] sincere advice." Thus has Islam nurtured its followers to speak the truth, even if it may be bitter, and to be frank with everyone. Linguistically, candor refers to the quality of being honest.. More

  • Social Evils that are Destroying Muslim Communities - I

    The role of the individual in Islam is not limited to fulfilling the five pillars. The Muslim in an Islamic community has a greater responsibility than is usually understood. All of a Muslim's activities in life are included as acts of worship depending upon the intention underlying them. Nothing is required from a Muslim beyond service to Allah The.. More