She suspects that her husband cheats on her
Fatwa No: 118733


Assalam o Alaikum. May ALLAH GIVE YOU jAZA for your work and make it much easy for you.Ameen. i doubt that my husband is seeing someone.He doe'snt lives with me,,he works for five days and comes on weekend..i have two daughters and i know him since 11 years..this is not the first time he is away for his work,,but my heart does'nt satisfies ..i have asked a lot of forgivness from Allah and i don't want to mis trust him,,i supplicate Third kalma a lot,,but these thoughts keep coming back,,twice i have seen this dream that as soon as he gets personal with me blood comes out of my private part.i have not loved any man nor i have revelaed myself to any other than my husband...probably i have loved him so much that the pain is too much to bear...i ttold him all about these thoughts of mine,,he did'nt deny..he just made me silent by saying that he loves me,,i feel when he touches me,,he is searching for something else...please help me...i just had a DNC,,i am unable to say my prayer..please help me...also please tell me the meaning of my dream.


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.


First of all, it should be mentioned that our site is specialized in answering religious questions and it does not have a section for interpreting dreams. In addition to this, dreams do not imply any Islamic ruling, so you should not be preoccupied by them.

As regards suspecting your husband, it is not permissible for a woman to suspect her husband without evidence as we clarified in Fatwa 89109.

Therefore, you should be careful about this and endeavour to repel those whispers.

Concerning your statement ‘I am unable to say my prayer’, if you mean that you abandoned the prayer, then this is not permissible because you are obliged to perform the prayer at its described fixed times.

As regards the DNC and the blood discharges that you had because of it, then you did not clarify to us whether the DNC was because of giving birth to a child or because of abortion, or that it was without any reason. If this bleeding was after giving birth to a child, or after aborting a fetus that took the shape of a human being, then the blood discharges are considered as postpartum bleeding, in which case you are prevented for a period of 40 days from praying, fasting and other actions of worship that require purity unless the bleeding stops before this time.

However, if this was due to a disease and it was not due to giving birth to a child or abortion, then this bleeding is not a reason for completely abandoning the performance of the prayer.

Nonetheless, if a trustworthy doctor determines that the blood discharges that you had is because of having carried out the DNC, then it is bleeding outside your menstrual period and it does not prevent from the prayer, fasting or other acts of worship which require purity from sexual defilement (major impurity).

However, if this bleeding was not because of the DNC, then it is menses, and if its discharges continue for the entire month or most of the month, then you should refrain from fasting and the prayer for the same period as your last menses and then you should perform Ghusl (ritual bath) and the prayer.

For more benefit, please refer to Fatwa 91495115234 and 83908.

Allaah Knows best.

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