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My husband gets angry when I am on my period because he wants to have sex. I am having some hormonal problems and my periods have prolonged till 13 days now. He ends up being rude and frustrated. What can I do to please him. Are husbands allowed to mentally torture their wives with this kind of behaviour? There's nothing that I can do.
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My paternal aunt has given us many gifts (like air conditioner) using her husband's money, while he was not aware. Her husband gave her the money to use for her household things but she gave the extra money to us. Is this regarded as stone money? Do we have to return all the gifts?
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Assalamalaikum, is it a husband's responsibility to provide household items like a refrigerator, washing machine, Mixer etc. and a housemaid for a wife if she is not able to do whole household work?
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my husband said during a fight when i was demanding talaaq and khula and he replied me twice ok you are free to go and also he said ask someone if our nikah is broken from those kinaya words then i swear i m happy so please let me know my naikah is valid or over and last 20 months we are sleeping separately
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Must a wife obey their husband in everything?
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Alsalam alaikum. I have a problem where I need help and guidance. I was married to a man from a different culture and everyone was happy for us. Then in two years I had many problems, he hits me, lying, my parents also I told them and he had problems with them. And I’m originally Arab as he is but I am born and raised up in Europe. So my family after.. More
As´salam-o-Alikum,For the past couple of months I have developed trust issues with my wife. I have this constant feeling that she is hiding something from me. I have stoped so low as to check her phone for messages and the history of few of her regular conversations with her friends from school is deleted. This raises my suspicions that she is hiding.. More
Assalamu'alaykum. I read one of your fatwas in which the majority of the scholars decided that the husband is not obliged to pay for his wife's treatment. This has caused me confusion, Is there any of the scholars who obliged the husband to do so? If so, may i know who they are?
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Salam alaikoum
My question is related to if a wife depends on her husband a lot for things is that a bad thing? I realized and other people have noticed that my life is almost always me doing things based on what his opinions are. Even when I want to go back to study after years of giving up my husband supports me but advised me to do as many online.. More
Assalam alaikum. May Allah have mercy upon you, and reward you for the help this site is providing. Im feeling like im losing myself because of housework and the expectations of my husband and myself that I can not manage to live up to. I live with my husband and four children, I just gave birth a month ago so i have a small baby. My husband works 3.. More
If my wife go outside with my mom or her mom/bro to buy her derss or to visit relative wothout informing me though i wont mind for that, will she be sinfull for that?
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Salam alaikumI have been paying for bills and everythg since my husband become jobless for 2 yrs now. He tried to get a job but to no avail. Im tired of having to pay for everythg. He obviously doesnt give me money to spent and if he have money from doing odd job he didnt gv me any either. Allah said men are protectors n mainteners of woman, but right.. More
As Salamu Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. I hope you can answer my question. I have read in sura 4:34 a wife may be disciplined if she is not obedient. I ve also read about using a siwaak to do this but i am not sure that it is correct. If she is disobedient and does not change her behaviour towards her husband then using a siwaak to discipline.. More
My husband is a doctor. I have a son and a daughter. My husband earns enough to fulfill our needs properly and is also able to save his earnings. He provides money for necessary needs of the family for example education, food, clothing for our son and daughter etc. But he is really reluctant to pay any money for my clothing or any extra need.I am not.. More
Salam. If a woman is planning to get married to a well known male in the community who is not known to wrong others, but when the woman married him, his true colors showed, is the woman allowed to publicly tell others about him? He secretly married other women before her and 1 of them was wronged by him. What are the Islamic conditions to solve this.. More
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