There are 240 articles

  • Characteristics of Justice in Effective Punishment

    The divine messages revealed throughout history have certain constant, unchanging features: warning (the disbelievers) and bringing glad tidings (to the believers); encouragement and dissuasion; and reward and punishment. This is because the result of actions -- be it prosperity or wretchedness; ending up in Paradise or Hell -- is the ultimate purpose.. More

  • Who is in Charge at Home?

    Who is in charge at home? This is question that poses itself in an atmosphere where people have turned away from Allah The Almighty, and among families that do not know anything about Islam except its name and do not know anything about the Quran except its script. It is a question that poses itself in order to restore rights to their owners in many.. More

  • Beware of What Causes Behavioral Problems in Children

    There are several causes of behavioral problems and psychological disorders that befall our children, some of which afflict them throughout their lives -- such as introversion, aggression and lying. Some of the following causes are fundamental to most of the problems: • Bad role models A child could fall into the habit of telling lies if he finds.. More

  • The Quran and Community

    Virtually every human language has a word for ‘community.’ How could it be otherwise when community is of the core essence of the human experience? We are creatures of community. To live as part of one fulfills the most natural inclination to society that thrives in every one of us. This is the reason that the notion of community—simple,.. More

  • Preparing for puberty

    Learn why it is so important to talk to your child about sexuality from an Islamic perspective, and how you can help take the lows out of growing-up. Talking to teenager about sexuality Your child has just turned 11 years old; over time you begin to notice subtle changes in the way that she looks, acts, and talks. Her body begins to show signs of.. More

  • Husband Complains about Wife’s Rudeness

    Question Assalamu Aleykum. I got married at the age of 25, while my wife was 18. After one year of marriage, we had a son, and he is 2 years old now. At first, we were happy, but after some months, I started to abuse her and beat her. After that, I realized (my mistake) and started being friendly with her. After a year, I moved to another city and.. More

  • How to Deal with Inevitable Divorce

    Question I am going through a terrible time. My husband filed for a divorce from me. My family tried through many means and people to make reconciliation. His family keeps saying no. They do not even answer the phone. Sadly we also have a small son, and my husband and his family clearly do not care about him. And there is no good reason for the divorce.. More

  • Islam and Stability of the Family - II

    1- When divorce is unavoidable, the best form is to divorce the wife only once during a period of purity during which no incident of intercourse takes place. This is the meaning of the verse in which Allah The Exalted Says (what means): {O Prophet, when you [Muslims] divorce women, divorce them for [the commencement of] their waiting period.} [Quran.. More

  • Islam and Stability of the Family - I

    Out of all the previous divine religions, none has given due importance to the family as Islam did. In doing so, Islam has legislated procedures and means which maintain security and preserve stability within the family. It has also prescribed some measures which prevent the family from collapse and destruction. We -- particularly in the present time.. More

  • Seeking Knowledge

    It has become one of the sources of social pride and the characteristics of civilized families and high classes to send their daughters without a Mahram (non-marriageable male) to study in a foreign country. They imbue this act with a religious form and say that the Prophet, sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam, said: “Seeking knowledge is an obligation.. More

  • A Call for Harmony and Cordiality Between the Spouses

    Marital happiness resembles the honey produced by two bees; the greater their efforts are, the sweeter it will be. There is ‎no doubt that marital happiness is the ‎responsibility of both spouses and this necessitates the existence of ‎love between them.‎ At the same time, we say that the happy house does not only depend on ‎love,.. More

  • Factors Affecting Physical Growth in Children

    There is no doubt that different aspects of the human personality are integrated and affect each other. They constitute a cohesive unit and cannot be separated except in the field of theoretical study. From the time a person is born until he fully grows up, the different elements of his formation interact and affect each other, sometimes evidently and.. More

  • Troubled Relation with Sister-in-law

    Question Assalamu alaykum. First of all, thank you for your assistance. I would like to know about my rights regarding my sister-in-law. She has been living with us for a long time. From the beginning, she never helped me with the tasks, she comes and goes as she wishes, but she comes at lunch time with everything ready. She just does some things when.. More

  • Media and the Islamic Identity of Children - I

    1- The meaning of the child’s culture: Culture refers to a combination of beliefs, morals, traditions, laws, knowledge and behavioral patterns that one acquires within society. Children have their special and distinguished vocabularies, as well as special values and methods that they use in playing, expressing themselves and satisfying their.. More

  • How to Deal with Family Members that Treat You Badly

    Question Assalamu alaykum, Brother, thanks for the reply, finally. I still have a question, you said that keeping ties should be done based on the customs of your country and that if sending a weekly email while living in the same home is not a custom of the country, it is still considered cutting ties: /en/fatwa/359431 Where in the Sunnah does.. More